Part 20

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So this is actually happening then. After arguing back and forth a few times, I'd finally given in, seeing as Kai was not going to. They are stubborn and quite set in their ways in some cases and one of those seems to be taking care of me. This is probably unusual behavior after two dates, but having a tumor is also not your everyday business.

Besides, my last relationship was a rollercoaster, starting with purely sex and ending with a child. And the one before that was the whole freaking amusement park in comparison. So this actually feels like the closest to normalcy I've had in a while.

Kai is packing the last of my stuff up as I wait for my paperwork to be signed. Tom did my final evaluation this morning and gave me the all clear. I will need to get regular scans to prevent this from happening again and won't be able to return to work for a few more weeks, but at least the hardest and most painful part is behind me.

"Are you absolutely sure-" I start again for the millionth time, getting cut off by Kai immediately.

"Shepherd, will you stop it already. I know you have this need to be in control at all times, but you just have to accept defeat and move on," they say with an amused look, although the use of my last name makes me feel like a child in trouble. Which was probably their intention.

I stay quiet for a few moments, leading Kai to believe that I've let this go. They focus on my nightstand drawer again, making sure it's emptied out, even though I had hardly anything with me at the hospital.

"It's just that-" I start again and Kai groans in frustration, lifting their eyes back to mine, but I don't let that silence me this time, "-you're not obligated to do any of this. I mean, it's very nice of you, but I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me just because the timing of my tumor happened to fall at the same time as us dating."

Kai looks at me for a few more seconds before sighing heavily. They come and sit down on the edge of the bed next to me and grab my hand, taking it in theirs.

"I don't feel obligated to do anything, that's a really poor choice of words. Yes, things probably would've developed slower had this.. not happened," Kai says, gesturing to the hospital room around us. "But I don't mind getting thrown in the deep end. I like you and I like spending time with you and getting to know you and so what if we're doing it a bit unconventionally."

"A bit?" I smirk at that, looking around us and then down at our joined hands. The addict in me wants to run and avoid all commitment at all cost. But I've learned to suppress it with years of hard work and now I'm actually able to hear the other, healthier parts of me. And those are singing with joy at Kai's words.

"Who's to say what the right way of going about this is anyway. Arranged marriages are also odd in our western world's eyes, but they have very high success rates," Kai smirks, making me laugh.

"I am not marrying you though," I add just in case. Not that we're anywhere near that yet. Or ever will be.

"And I would never ask," Kai smiles widely. And although that might sound weird for some, it actually makes my heart swell with happiness. So I decide to stop overthinking this and just go with the flow. For now.

A nurse enters my room then, the long awaited papers in her hands. "You are all set, Dr. Shepherd, just sign here," she says with a kind smile. People here know my credentials because of my work here, but no one seems to really care or treat me any different which makes me feel that much more reassured about my choice to have the surgery here.

I sign my signature on pages where it's needed and thank the nurse, smiling back at her. Kai has already grabbed my bags for me and extends their free arm for me to grab. Walking out of the room, hand in hand, will probably raise some questions, but then again I still need the physical support. Besides..the nurses all know about Kai spending ridiculous amounts of time in my hospital room anyway.

Much to my surprise, I haven't actually worried about that part. Not having been in a relationship with anyone but men, I thought initially that I would want to be less open about it. Not that I'm in a relationship now.. But it's 2021 and queer people exist pretty much everywhere so no one really looks twice anymore. And if they do, I don't notice.

So I take Kai's hand willingly, getting up from the bed and looking over the room one last time. "Here's to never seeing the insides of one of these again," I say ceremoniously before walking out.

"Well, unless it's as a doctor," Kai adds, leading me down the hallway towards the elevators, keeping our tempo slow. I had them bring the nurses some pizzas as a thanks for looking after me so most of them seem to be in the break room, with only one behind the desk to wave us off.

"Well, sure, but.. I'm here as a researcher," I correct them with a small frown on my face. This is the other part that I've sort of refused to think about too much. We have our lives in pretty much the opposite ends of the country, so I don't really see this working long term.

"For now," Kai says absentmindedly, pressing the button to call for an elevator. "But if you wanted to work here as a neurosurgeon as well, we'd all welcome you with open arms."

I see their eyes on me but refuse to look back at Kai, not wanting to disappoint them in any way. I know they want for me to say that it's a great idea and one I will consider, but I'm honestly just trying to get through one day at a time.

"Let's cure Parkinson's first, I think we have our hands full with that for some time," I say instead, hopefully ending the discussion before it can really begin.

Kai seems to understand because they just nod and take their eyes off me, looking at the opening elevator doors now and walking in with me. The nerves are starting to take over now. It's one thing to spend a night at my hotel room or the day out in the city. But to spend multiple days together, essentially doing a trial run of living together.. That's a whole different challenge.

What if they are super talkative in the mornings when I've barely woken up and just want to sit in silence? Or if they get mad at me for using up all the hot water because my showers are equal temperatures to hell? Or if they have some sort of annoying pet peeve that hasn't shown itself yet?

Living together is the ultimate test to a relationship, followed closely by travelling together and well.. getting through a crisis together, which we sort of already did and excelled at. But one out of three isn't a win yet.

"Amelia," Kai says gently, waking me from my thoughts. We have reached the lower floor that leads to the parking structure and I blink a few times, realizing that I'm supposed to keep walking now. Kai is holding the elevator doors open, an amused smile on their face.

"Get out of your own head for a change, will you?" I'm convinced they can read my mind because it's starting to get suspicious how often they know what's going on.

"I'm fine," I argue stubbornly, walking off in the general direction of where Kai's car should be. Most cars are all parked near the door because people are lazy creatures and no one wants to park in the furthest corner. So walking towards those is a safe bet.

"You do know what fine means, right?" Kai teases me, taking my hand again and leading me slightly more to the left. I notice their white car now, my mind randomly stopping to think how they always keep it so clean in this rainy weather.

"Uhh, that I'm.. fine?" I say, not really understanding the question. I can't really quote the dictionary off the top of my head, so that's the best I can offer.

"Freaked out," Kai answers for me, opening the trunk and putting my bags in there. "Insecure," they continue on with the list, the trunk now closing with a small click. "Neurotic." I'm amused now, realizing quite well that they're mocking me and my overthinking brain. "And emotional," Kai finishes and opens the passenger door for me, a victorious look on their face.

"Alright, I'll try and relax," I give in, laughing slightly. Where do they get these witty remarks from?

Kai smiles happily at that and leans over to give me a soft kiss before I get in the car. "Much appreciated," they say and close the door behind me. They walk around the vehicle and get in the drivers seat, starting the car and backing out slowly. And off we go.

Love Me Tender (A Kaimelia - Kai Bartley/Amelia Shepherd - fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now