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Like paint stroking across a blank canvas, seamlessly filling empty space, Langa's classroom was quickly consumed with whispers and rumors about his past relationship.

Early that morning, two of Langa's classmates had noticed that the recently separated couple hadn't walked to school together that morning like they normally did. The girls came up to Langa, for he had entered school first, and asked him if Ema was unwell.

Langa politely explained the reason that she was not by his side, unaware of the fact that the news would spread like a raging wildfire soon after.

The details of their breakup were a guessing game for the class. Some had believed Ema had her sights on someone else whilst others chose to think that Langa wasn't interested in their relationship.

Though there was a myriad of glares and concerned glances, Langa quickly detected a pair of brown eyes peering at him throughout the duration of their class. He turned his head to meet the redhead's eyes once, but the other boy immediately turned away when he was caught.

After Langa's tremendously mind-numbing class had finally concluded, the boy was fully ready to spring out of his seat and run far, far away.

"Langa." Reki called from the desk next to him, stopping Langa from gathering his things.

"Meet me at the park after school today," Reki said. Afterward, he threw his bag over his shoulder and exited the class.

Butterflies flooded Langa's stomach as he became jittery with just the thought of seeing Reki again, this time not on school grounds.

He dared to hope, dreams slowly overlapping with reality, that things could return to the way they once were.

A warm smile crept onto Langa's face as he thought of a future where their "relationship" would develop and deeply progress.

"I hope things get even better." He thought, soon after, he carried his things and left the room.


Thought about the park crowded Langa's mind all day, he was easily able to loose focus on his various classes. Once he was finally released by his school's treacherous grasp, he was almost immediately drawn to the place that Reki had spoken of.

Langa glided slowly on his skateboard down a smooth sidewalk, calmly taking in his surrounding atmosphere. Air filled his lungs as he experienced a sort of wisteria, or maybe even deja vu.

He remembered the times that he and Reki would come to this park together, the two would laugh and smile without a care in the world. Reki's presence was so prominent in those memories. Every touch, every thought every moment that they shared lingered in the brisk, fall air.

A glowing setting sun struck vibrant red-orange hues across the beautiful afternoon sky. Langa could feel the ghost of  Reki's touches drift down his back and rest upon his shoulders. He longed to return to the times where they could be together freely.

As Langa approached the park's gate, a smile tugged at his lips. He could feel that Reki was there.

Langa recognized Reki as his match, and as kindred spirits he had a celestial feeling detect him in the park. Like a magnetic force, Langa let go and allowed his heart to pull him towards the other boy's spirit.

Reki was standing in a far corner in the park. His hands were tucked in his pockets as cool wind whipped through his hair. Langa watched as he smiled gently at the glowing sky.

When he realized Langa was there he composed himself quickly. As their eyes met, Langa felt a lump form in his stomach.

"Hi, Reki." Langa was hesitant when selecting his words, praying that he wouldn't say anything to loose or upset the other boy. "How have you been?"

"Is it true?" Reki spoke in a tone just above a whisper. Reki couldn't waste time on formalities, he desperately required answers.

"Is what true?"

"You and Ema broke up?"

"Yeah." Langa responded immediately, waiting in desperation for Reki to respond. He fidgeted with his clothes, flattening out his shirt and fixing his collar.

"Did you end things because of me?" There was a noticeable tremor in Reki's voice, remorse hid behind his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Langa. I shouldn't have kissed you, this is all my fault." Reki said, not giving Langa a window to respond. "I should've just let you be happy, but I ruined that for you."

Langa dropped his board and took Reki into his arms. Reki was stunned at first, everything in his mind ushered him to pull back.

But his heart begged for him to stay.

Slowly, Reki wrapped his arms around Langa as well, his head fell in Langa's broad chest.

"Can you ever forgive me?"

Langa took one of his hands and pushed back the thick hair on Reki's forehead, then placing a tender kiss on his skin. A flushed red tinted Reki's cheeks.

The past two months had left Reki completely deprived of any true positive emotions. But now, as pure ecstasy filed his mind, he was finally allowed to have a break.

Reki felt like he could ready to stay in Langa's arms forever.

Langa had never been happier than in that moment.

He could finally truly admit that he was in love.

Neither of them ever wanted to let go of these feelings.

And neither of them wanted to leave the other's embrace.

Thank you for reading, I really appreciate you.

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