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Listening to the conversation flowing from the table made Reki's stomach lurch. An uncontrollable emotion in him urged him to go over there and interrupt them. He didn't like this new change.

After all, the boy had never been fond in a shift of pattern.

When things change, things inevitably go wrong. At least, that's what Reki thoroughly believed.

"Why couldn't things to stay and settle?" He'd thought.

He just wanted to go back.

Back to when he'd be there in her place.

Back to when heavy laughter would come from the two of them sitting together.

He longed to return to "back then".

But then.

The redhead couldn't pull his eyes away from her slim fingers as they reached towards Langa. Reki sighed, letting comfort come over him. She must've just be giving him a hug.

But then.

Those same slender fingers made their way from hovering near his his sides to his neck and eventually to his face. They ended up loosing themselves in Langa's light blue hair, messing and ruffling and doing as they pleased with it.

But. then.

She pulled him into a strong kiss.

And Langa showed no signs of resistance.

It was something Reki could not bare, his chest twinged with pain.

Snide eyes opened and angled themselves away towards a stricken redhead. Soon, Ema was looking at Reki.

She didn't antagonize him, didn't smile wickedly, and her eyes didn't have a heart wrenching gleam like he had presumed they would.

Instead, she looked straight through him. Something she had done with everyone else in class. Except, of course, to Langa.

Like a dagger to Reki's chest that has been twisted for more of an affect, he quickly understood what was going on.

In that moment, the two of them were in their own world in which they were the only two who existed.

In this new couple, there was no room for him.

There was no space for him in Langa's heart anymore.


Langa's lips were tinted a soft pink when the two pulled apart from each other. Ema intertwined their hands above that table and flashed her boyfriend another smile.

Reki felt nauseous.

He quickly took his leave from the restaurant, hoping that he would remain unseen by his friend.

Though, from the corner of his eye, Langa was vaguely  able to identify a wisp of red hair rushing though the restaurant's door.


Reki tossed his board onto the ground, mounting it and riding right away. At first he had gone at a controlled pace, but as his emotions festered and rose from his the back of his mind, his speed accelerated.

Everything that had just happened replayed in his mind like a broken record.

The way they kissed, held hands, and smiled at each other was carved into his mind. They had no reason to make him feel the way that he did.

Did he have the right to be as repulsed as he was? No. He was the one that nudged Langa in her direction after all. Going out with her was his idea, and he couldn't forget that.

He just never expected him to look that happy with her. The way his eyes sparkled after just speaking to here for a short while perplexed him.

"I thought he could only be that happy when he was around me." Reki though, biting his lip.

Soon, his emotions were projected into his trip on his board.

His riding got aggressive to say the least, as he pushed himself along his foot slammed into the sidewalk. As his body gilded on its own, Reki had no sense of direction. No preference of where he wanted to go.

He just wanted so desperately to leave.

So he went. Away from all of the strife and confusion he had felt. Away from the couple. Away from the wanting and yearning to be back with Langa.

After staking silently for what seemed like hours, his body's autopilot had stopped at a well known destination.

As Joe's restaurant came into view, Reki felt a sigh of relief leave his chest. He kicked up his board and marched toward the front.

The place had closed an hour ago; though the thought had barely synced in Reki's mind.

He pulled at a silver handle, releasing a loud rattle from the door it was attached to.

A shadowy figure was then seen through the door, now increasing in size.

It yanked open the door forcefully, making Reki take a step back.

"Sorry, but the sign says we're-" Joe began. His eyes were closed as he rubbed his temples. Once he opened them and tossed Reki a short glance, he could tell the boy was distraught.

Joe backed away from the doorway, letting Reki slide inside. The redhead tossed his things down by the entrance and marched forward.

"Joe, who was it? A drunk?" Reki had heard a call from the restaurant's dining room. He turned a corner to see Kaoru perched on a chair, arms folded and his legs crossed.

Reki barely acknowledged his elder, quickly glancing away from him. He then sat on a vacant barstool.

Cherry raised a brow at Joe, who replied with a look of sympathy. He could tell something was going on with the boy, so he had let him in, no questions asked.

Then, Joe disappeared for ten minutes into the kitchen, leaving Kaoru and Reki to sit in silence.

Cherry had wanted to speak, but every time he had opened his mouth, he'd close it instinctively.

"You're hungry, right? Eat." Joe had emerged from the kitchen, a steaming dish of pizza in hand. It was the only meal that Reki would ever order from the restaurant, so he had already known what to make.

"Thank you." Reki responded as he took a warm slice into his mouth. He slowly chewed on the melted cheese which was bursting with flavor.

Cherry stood up from his seat, sauntering over to Joe's side. He had leaned over to whisper something into the man's ear, eyebrows pinched together in worry. In response, he received was a light forehead kiss and a small "He'll be okay."

"We'll be here when you're ready to talk. Just say the word." Joe said. And with that, he wrapped a broad arm around Cherry, and they left.

Reki was by himself.

After a few more bites, reality sunk into Reki's skin. His emotions were far too hard to shake.

I really am all alone.

With that, a tear made its way down his face.

Incidentally, I fell for you - RengaWhere stories live. Discover now