Chapter 11 - Again ?!

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Mackenzie's POV
When we arrive back at home I go upstairs to my room. On the bus Jojo tried to comfort me but I just blocked out everyone. I won't even talk to maddie... I locked the door to my room and am scrolling through instagram again. I see Asia, Sophia and grace popping up alot saying stuff like"I hate you" and"go die" but I also see a comment from Jojo
@ it'sjojosiwa : leave kenz alone, your all just jealous cause she's better than you will ever be. She's awesome, leave her be.

@ sarahhunty : kenzie is awesome just go away! She's the nicest person, what did she ever do to you ?

I smile a bit. At least I have friends who care about me. I hear maddie banging on the door. " kenzie open door please now or I WILL get mom " she threatens / wails. I let her in but quickly go and sit back on my bed. Maddie comforts me. I'm dreading Asia at school.

Time skip to next day--------

Maddie comes and knocks on the door. " no more, please ... " I wail. But she comes in anyway " kenz, it will be fine ! Just trust me ! You have Jojo and Sarah ! And me and KK on the bus! You'll be fine mackenzie, I promise ! " so I just nod and start getting ready. A grey tee with a black bow on the front and black skinny jeans. A ponytail and a small black bow clip to the side of my head. Mascara and EOS lip balm, coconut milk flavour. I sleepily go downstairs and grab a strawberry pop tart that maddie has laid out for me. We run down to the bus stop together.

When we arrive maddie calls kendall over and stands next to me. We sit together on the bus and soon we arrive in school. Head down, don't look up, don't cry, blend in. That is the Mackenzie Ziegler way. I arrive in math class, with Jojo and Sarah.

Mackenzie 🍃 Jojo 🌺 Sarah 🌻

🌺OMG mackenzie are u okay? I haven't seen you since competition and you were ignoring everyone even tho u were amazing. Don't listen to Asia, she is just a jealous bitch!
🌻Yeah we were so worried!
🍃 yeah, I'm okay. Asia was just really getting to me, it's gone on for a while and I really just want to end it. It makes me feel like crap...
🌺 it's okay mackenzie, we will be here, ily
🌻 ily too mackenzie. Don't let them bring you down !
🍃Thanks guys.
🍃See u at lunch
🌺Okay !
🌻See u guys
🍃We never get any work done in math do we!
🌺 I know right !
🍃 lol, anyway see you guys later!
🌻 byeee!
🌺 later!

Classes pass quickly and it's soon lunch break. I'm feeling happy and can't wait to meet up with Jojo and Sarah. I'm on my way to shove my books in my locker and then head outside. As I'm putting away my books I hear a familiar voice...
" sup creep? Miss me? " ... Asia.
I try to ignore her, but she won't leave me alone. Finally I've had enough " WHAT ! " I say moodily. " ooooo someone has a temper, I only popped by to remind you that everyone hates you and your a worthless piece of crap, but now it looks like you need a lesson in manners ! " she punches me in the gut, making me fall down, then she kicks me multiple times. She lifts me and hurls me against the lockers, stabs me twice with her pocket knife and then... By this time I am in agony, wailing, sobbing, my vision going blurry, I'm dizzy too... She lifts me and begins walking with me towards the window. We are 2 floors up. She throws me. I'm falling down, down down down the a sudden hideous pain and ... Blackness.

Jojo's POV
mackenzie has been taking ages ! Me and Sarah have been waiting for her for 5 whole minutes ! Then suddenly a terrorising scream and a body begins to fall from one of the windows. I'm in shock but Sarah grabs my hand and pulls me out of the cafeteria. We run to the tiny, limp body on the ground. It's ... Mackenzie .... Why? Why her? What did she ever do? It's so unfair.

Maddie's POV
We are on the way to hospital in an ambulance AGAIN !!!! Mackenzie is unconscious on stretcher. She has oxygen mask and the are trying to kick start her heart. Jojo and Sarah are both with me. Mom is going to meet us there. I hold mackenzie's hand. " please kenzie, I love u so much, u can't leave me, not this way, please... I love you... I squeeze he hand tightly. We arrive at the hospital and they take her into operating. I'm pacing, mom is with her, Jojo and Sarah are sobbing... We all just need mackenzie... I hope she's gonna be ok...

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