Chapter 10 - After the competition.

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Mackenzie's POV
After the competition all the girls went to hang out at the pool, all except for Asia, who went home straight away with her mom. I splashed around with all the girls and we had alot of fun! We took a group selfie and posted it on instagram. Later when we were back in the hotel room I checked my instagram feed. Mistake.

@ Asiamonetray 🐷 @ Sophialuciakid 🐻 @ gracie101 🐨
🐷OMG you totally ruin that picture with your hideously ugly face ! Gross.
🐻 no one likes you
🐷 your a failure
🐻Everyone hates you
🐻Go kill yourself
🐷 just die, no one will miss you
🐷 everyone hates you
🐨 your so fat and ugly, ewwwwww
🐷Yep so gross
🐻 and your a slutty bitch

I drop my phone and run into the bathroom, crying. I hate this.

Maddie's POV
Kenzie and I are just grabbing our bags, she's checking her instagram, then she just drops her phone and runs to the bathroom crying. I chase after her but she just locks the door. I can here her sobbing in there and I want to help her but she won't open the door. I decide to check my instagram. I see loads of nasty comments from Asia, Sophia and grace on kenzies posts. I guess that's why she is in the bathroom crying. I decide to reply to her,

@ madisonziegler1313 🐥 she's not a failure, she is the best sister I could ask for, she is a beautiful dancer and a wonderful girl, no one hates her ! But if you keep up like this they might hate you! Leave my amazing sister ALONE !

Then I go knock on the bathroom door. " mackenzie please, open the door " I whisper.

Mackenzie's POV
Maddie seems really worried so I finally come out of the bathroom. My face is red and blotchy and i have cut my arm. 3 nice deep cuts. One for Asia, one for Sophia, one for grace.

Maddie's POV
Mackenzie finally comes out the bathroom, she looks awful. Her eyes and face are red and puffy and she has cut again. " mackenzie no..." I whisper. Then I start to cry. I hate this crap, I wish everyone could just leave mackenzie be. Mackenzie just hugs me and then says " I'm okay now maddie " very very quietly. I nod stand up and wrap my arms around her. " you're amazing kenz okay ? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're amazing. I love you, please don't let them do this to you again... Please kenzie... " she nods shakily and whispers " okay " quietly. I grab her bag for her and she follows me out the door.

Time skip to on the bus ---------

Jojos POV
Mackenzie seems upset. She isn't really talking to anyone, is facing away from everyone and has her knees tucked p under her chest. It looks like she is crying and Asia looks smug. What has the little bitch done this time ?
" mackenzie? " I say gently. She just mumbles " mmhmm" in reply. " are u okay ? " I whisper, "mmm " she replies. She is not okay.

Mackenzie's POV
I don't want to hurt anyone I just... really don't feel like talking right now. I'm still crying a bit. Those comments hurt me.

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