Chapter 2 - blackness...

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Mackenzie's POV
I get off the school bus, Asia only a few steps behind. She calls insults after me, but I put my head down and walk faster, determined not to let Asia see my tears. I feel a little wobbly though. I finally reach home, go straight upstairs, slice into myself... HARD. This might be the deepest I've ever cut. I keep going. Relishing every cut, knowing I'm getting what I deserve. Finally I put the blade down and head down stairs blood runs down my wrist, the world spins around me, I feel faint and dizzy, i see maddie in my vision, then everything went dark...

Maddie's POV
I slip into the kitchen to grab a snack before heading out to meet up with Kendall K, when I spot Kenzie. She looks awful, she has a black eye with dried blood surrounding, and hot blood gushes down her arm. She seems to be swaying and her eyes are glassy. Just then, she blacks out. " KENZIE!!! " I scream " MOM!!! " she comes running. I'm already calling an ambulance.

Mackenzie's POV
My eyelids flutter and I wake up. I seem to be in a hospital. Oh. All i remember is blacking out, I guess maddie must have seen me.

Maddie's POV
Kenzies eyelids flutter and open sleepily, she seems confused at first." Kenz? " I whisper " oh um.. hey mads... " she replies " so are you going to tell me what's up ? " I ask her. She starts crying and whimpering a little. I notice her arm cuts. Those are not accidental injuries, they are too deliberate. Had she been cutting? My little sister? I didn't want to bring it up though. She clearly was uncomfortable. I would find out what was up when Kenzie was released from hospital.

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