The Truth

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You finally arrived back at Nevarro. With an annoyingly loud hiss the hatch opened. For some reason Mando firmly grabbed your hand and walked out of the ship... not even bothering to close the hatch. He was walking so fast you stumbled. Mando's strong arms held you balanced though. The two of you marched to the armourers quarters. 

The armourer immediately took recognition of your presence, and turned around. She nodded her head in a greeting manner. Mando didn't return it though. "What's her name?" he asks in an extremely firm voice pointing at you. You look up at him in confusion. "Akira." You reply to him sounding more confused than ever. You felt his hand slightly tighten on your hand, you took the signal and shut up. "You know her name Mando. Akira." The armourer adds sounding a little concerned. "No, what was her name before the Mandalorian's named her?" He agitatedly asks. "Mando you know very well it is disrespectful to ask that." The armourer says in a firmer voice. "Akira, what was your name?" He says turning his attention back to you. You didn't know who to trust. He was really mad but over what? "Don't drag her into this." "Akira... what-was-your-name?" You gulp looking at Mando and then the armourer. You couldn't take the pressure anymore so you yelled. "Y/N!" You take a breath. "M-My name was Y/N..." you were ashamed of yourself for giving in, but you were happy to get it off your chest at the same time. "Y-you told me she was dead" - That was the first time you heard Mando stutter. "Me, dead?" you whisper. "Din Djarin, listen it was for safety reasons." The armourer plainly states. Your heart starts to ache at that name. "Why-Why would you call him Din Djarin, you said that he died eating something poisoness." You practically cry out. Mando placed a hand on your shoulder. "Please tell us these safety reasons." Mando says holding you close to him. You couldn't take it anymore. The lies. The fake deaths. The tragedy. "Was it worth it?!" You blurt out. Before anyone could say anything you continue. "Was it worth me loosing all my faith?! Was it worth me loosing my trust in every other Mandalorian?! Was it worth me loosing my soul?! W-was it worth me feeling so e-empty without h-him for 15 y-years?!" You feel you legs weaken and they crumble to the ground. You were still awake, but you sat on the floor in tears. "Y/N it was to protect you." The armourer states. "Yeah, well clearly it didn't work." you reply running short on breath. "Din why don't you take her to her quarters and we will continue, she doesn't sound too good." Din gave a glare to the armourer then looked back down at you, you were gasping for air. Without second thought he picked you up and took you to your quarters. He laid you gently in your bed. "Get some rest Y/N." he says in a warm voice. Alls you could do was nod. "See you soon." is the last thing he said before closing the hatch to your room.


Din Djarin POV:

I went straight back to the armourer. She sat at the table ready to take on any anger I had. "So... tell me the safety reasons, though I don't think any would be worth me crying myself to sleep for 3 years straight for nothing." I cockily say. I was never really the cocky type but this situation needed explaining. "Someone was after you and Y/N." "Who?" "Moff Gideon, To keep both of you safe I separated the two of you, I said that you were both dead incase Moff ever found either one of you... I know it was cruel of me to do it in such a manner but it was a desperate time. In hope of any forgiveness I made Y/N your padawan... Din I am so sorry, it was only because I love you both and wanted to keep you safe. " I still felt infuriated, but I knew worse would have happened if she didn't seperate the two of us. I let out a huff. "You could have at least told us that Moff was after us." "I didn't want to frighten you as kids." She replies. I let out yet another huff and get out of my seat. "Where are you going?" "I'm telling Y/N the truth... if I don't then you'll be in some big shit when she does wake up." I hear the armourer slightly chuckle.



You couldn't sleep. Not knowing what was to come was something you hated. You were brought back from your thoughts when you heard a loud knocking at your door. "Come in!" You groan. The hatch opened revealing an all too familiar Mandalorian. You smile. "Thought you might wanna hear about what happened." He says. You scoff. "And you thought I could sleep." You swear you heard him chuckle. 

When Mando explained the whole story to you, things seemed to lighten up a little. Especially when he told you that the armourer was very very sorry. "I want to do something with you." Mando says almost shyly. You cock your head a little. "Like what?" You asks happily. He let out a long hmmmmmmmmmm sound and then said "Follow me." You swung your legs out of the covers and walked alongside Din. "Where are we going?" You ask. You hated surprises... you just wanted to know. "Do you trust me?" You roll your eyes. "Of course I do Din." "Then just shut up and follow me." He grabs your hand and you continue walking to wherever you were going. 

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