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~ Time Skip ~

Din and you have just gotten back to Nevarro (your home/where you were raised.) 

Din Djarin's POV

I walk out of our ship and run straight over to the ship that landed next to us. As the Mandalorian's come out of the ship I try to find a Togruta. Where was she? More and more Mandalorian's come out. Still no sign of Y/N though. I start feeling a little nervous. Did that Mandalorian have something to do with the imposter on our ship before? Did he kidnap her? Everyone was out of the ship now, but there was still no sign of Y/N. I run past the crowd. I never ran so fast.... I run straight to the armourer. She was sitting on a chair looking down. "Y/N is missing! She wasn't in the ship, I can't find her anywhere! I think she got kidnaped!" I blurt out. I hear her let out a huff. "S-She's ...... dead Din" she says. Her voice showed sadness and guilt? My heart stopped beating for a second. I went pale and I felt tears threatening to fall loose. "S-She's what?" I ask hesitantly not bearing the news. I take a seat with the armourer. She let out another loud huff. "She fell out of the ship in high altitude, someone left the hatch open." she replies not daring to look me in the eye. This time I couldn't hold it back. I burst out in tears. The salty wetness streaming down my pale face. My vision blurring more and more by the second. The armourer came to my side of the table and wrapped her arms around me. I knew I was being selfish because the armourer knew her longer than me but loosing her felt like loosing myself. 


You finally arrived back home. You saw Din's ship come shortly after yours arrived. You rush over to the hatch to go and greet your friend but a Mandalorian behind you places his hand on your shoulder. "Kid come this way." he says. You blink in confusion but do as your told. He leads you to another hatch. "Why can't I exit that way?" You complain. "Because there has been a prison outbreak on that side, everyone will exit from here including your friend." the Mandalorian replies. You nod your head with a serious face and walk out of the hatch. Immediately your eyes search for your friend Din, but they didn't latch onto anything. Your lips slightly part in confusion. Where was he? You decided to go back to the tree where the two of you hugged the day before in the hopes that he would be there. Much to your disappointment he wasn't there. If he wasn't there he would definitely be with the armourer you think to yourself. You dashed back inside and headed for the armourers domain. When you got there the armourer was standing by a small fireplace. "H-Have you seen Din?" you ask approaching her. Her head immediately drops down lower. "Y/N we need to talk." You cock your head a little then nod making your way to the table. You pull out the chair and take a seat. The armourer did the same. "D-Din died in the ship. his food was poisoned by the imposter you met before." She says glimpsing at you then immediately looking back down. The moment the armourer said dead you felt empty. Like your mind and body was an empty pit, useless, helpless, a child. You start mentally beating yourself up. If you were there you could have saved your friend! This was all your fault! Tears emerged and made their way down your cheeks. You felt like your montrals and lekku were burning with pain, and you got the nauseous feeling again. A few tears made it into your mouth. Your tongue burned with the salty water droplet. The armourer went to hug you but you wordlessly got out of your seat and walked out. You wiped tears as they kept streaming down. You ignored all the pitiful looks you were receiving and just kept your eyes glued to your quarters.  When you reached your dark room you plonked on your bed and started crying into your pillow. Din was the person who made you the person you were today. You were so empty now you just felt pathetic, like you were worth nothing and you felt as if you had no feelings anymore, like his death was almost a trauma. This scarred you for life. 

You eventually cried yourself to sleep and when you woke up your whole pillow was soaked.  

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