The Fight

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—— 2 days later——

"Did you hear the armourer wants us for a meeting?" Din asks you walking through the corridor. "Yeah... I hope I didn't do anything to get in trouble." You say in an innocent voice. Din chuckles. One of Din's friends Cal came running down the hallway. He stopped directly in front of you trying to catch his breath. "Cal? Why are you running?" You question as he stops panting. He gave you a death glare then turned to Din. "There's a big fight in the yard!" He blurts out. "What?!" You yell. "You have to come and see!" He yells. You nod your head and start to go after him but Din grabs your wrist tightly and gently yanks you back towards him. You look at him in confusion. "We have a meeting in 2 minutes exactly." He says sternly. "But-" you say looking at the direction of the door to the yard. "If we want to be good Mandalorian's then we need to follow orders, we can't be ruthless." You for some reason got defensive at this. "I'm not a Mandalorian! I will never be a Mandalorian because of my stupid montrals!" You yell. You felt tears emerge in the corner of your eyes. Din took a breath and took a step back. "Y/N can we just discuss this later, we have a meeting, I promise you can tell me after the meeting ok?" You shake your head and again start making your way towards the yard. This time Din grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you through the halls. He wasn't taking you to the command room where the meeting would be hosted though, instead he took you to your quarters. "Stop it Din!" You yell as he dragged you. The Mandalorian's passing by thought you two were just playing games as usual. He carefully put you on a seat in your room. You tried to stand but he pushed you back down. You tried again and this time you were successful. You caught Din off guard and punched him right in the nose. It didn't bleed cause you didn't put full force. You then realised what you had just done. "D-Din I-I didn't m-mean t-" before you could finish your apology he walked to the enterance of your quarters, still holding his nose with one hand. He then closed the door and locked it. You heard him say outside "take some time to cool off Y/N." You then heard his footsteps walk further and further away. "No Din wait!" You yell, your voice cracking half way through sentence. When you heard no reply you burst into tears, regretting every action that had just occurred. About 15 minutes past. By now your top was soaked in your salty tears. You sensed movement (with your montrals) footsteps coming closer and closer to your room. A wave of relief washed over you as someone begun to unlock the door. Much to your surprise and disappointment it was the armourer. You let out a loud sigh. In her hands she held a plate with some fruit in it. You half smiled. She took a seat next to you and put the plate in front of you not saying a word. She then placed a fork as well and left silently. You knew that she wanted you and Din to figure this out without her. With a hiss the door shut closed, she didn't lock it though. You immediately dived into to your snack, indulging in the sweetness of the fruit. The vitamin filled juices brainwashing the recent fight you had with Din... you enjoyed a moment to yourself. 

When you finally finished eating the bitter sweet fruits you unwillingly got up and started to try and find your friend Din Djarin. It took only seconds as you knew his favourite sit down and reflect on your actions go-to area. When you arrived Din was slumped on a blossom tree snacking on the same fruit you had earlier. He took notice of your presence but kept his eyes on the view in front of him not daring to make eye contact with you. You let out a shaky breath and took a seat next to him. When you were satisfied with the position you sat in you began analysing his face. His dark brown eyes seemed to be swirling with anger and regret, the exact same feeling you had. "Din?" You almost ask his name. He tensed and let out a breath. "Yes." He replies still not breaking eye contact with the view. You felt the tears coming back but you forced them to stay in place. "D-Din I'm sorry about punching you, I wasn't thinking straight, I was just upset that I couldn't wear a helm-" before you could finish your friend pulled you in for a hug. At first it was gentle but it eventually turned into a squeeze. You felt Din's chest going up and down. You felt like at home. 

Knowing your luck something was ought to go wrong.

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