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You and Mando made it back to the Crest after a long walk. "That's my exercise for the week" you mutter to yourself.  " Back so soon?" Cal immediately comments. "Clam it Cal" you aggressively growl. Mando and Cal exchange looks. "You need to calm down." Mando says pointing his finger at you before climbing up to the cockpit. You let out an annoyed huff. There was just something about  Mando. He was almost fatherly just like your old friend Din. You sat on a bench in the ship. When Mando left Cal gave you a good scolding on respecting masters. Of course your respect died with Din. "Do you understand?!" Cal yells at you after the scolding. You do nothing but roll your eyes and stay silent. This infuriated Cal further. "You see! That's what I'm talking about! That little attitude of yours!" Cal screams. You bring your knees up and plant your feet down on the chair, resting you hands lazily on your knees. "Yelling isn't going to do anything" you practically jump at the voice. You were so busy with having to deal with Cal you didn't notice Mando watching half the scolding you received. "She doesn't listen, go back and get a different apprentice!" The still angry Cal yells throwing his hands up in the air. You didn't dare make eye contact with either. "Cool off Cal." Mando says patting his friends shoulder. Cal gave you one last glare before going up the ladder to the cockpit. Mando then made his way over to you. When he was  close enough he knelt down to your level. You still made no eye contact and your knees were still rested on the chair. "You know what I think?" Mando calmly asks you. You slightly look at him and then look back down. "I think your tired and need some rest." You now look up at him. He couldn't be more wrong you hated rest. He was right about one thing though, you were tired. You shake your head not wanting to lay in bed. He puts his hand out in front of you, gesturing for you to take it. "Come on." You take his hand like before and he helps you up. Mando put his hand on the small of your back and guided you to his cramped bed. You unwillingly crawled in and pulled the covers over you. Mando nodded and the hatch door closed with a loud hiss. 

Sleep eventually found it's way to you.

Mando's POV

I climb up the ladder to meet Cal. When I finally reach the top I see him grouching in the do pilot seat. I sigh and sit on the pilot seat. I take the Crest off autopilot and make the jump into hyperspace. I watch as the blues, purples, and turquoise's stain into each other.  "So what did you do to punish her?" Cal asks eagerly. Cal seemed to enjoy torturing and punishing people, it's why he was the interrogator back on Nevarro. "I suggested to get some rest" I plainly state. "Oh come on Mando, she's never gonna learn to respect you if you keep on training her the way you are." I turn to look at him. "I prefer to earn her respect not have it out of her fear." I wisely reply. Cal throws his hands in the air in defeat. "Fine have it your way." I shake my head and continue to pilot the Crest. 


Soon later Akira woke up. We were about 10 minutes away from Nevarro. "Have your beauty rest sweet heart?" Cal cockily asks. "Yeah I think it's your turn to get some gramps." Akira cockily replies back. I heard him slightly scoff. He kind of deserved that insult, he was a shit stirrer. 

We finally arrived on Nevarro. Akira was the first to walk out, followed by Cal. I decided to stay and make a few repairs to my ship. "Din?" I spin myself around. I search all over the room. I heard her voice. I hear Y/N's voice. "Din? Is that you?" I keep searching for her. Nothing. I feel a lump forming in my throat. "Snap out of it." I mutter to myself. That memory of Y/N was not one I wanted to forget, but not one I wanted to bring back to life. I probably just didn't want to loose her again if she was alive. Which she wasn't. Before I start getting back to work I see the armourer just outside my ship. I nod in a greeting manner. "How was the mission? Any Mandalorian's camping on Hoth?" I shake my head. "It was a waste of time going there, i'm pretty sure this is the last of our kind." I say with my voice cracking a bit. "Pointless maybe, but not a waste of time." she states. What did she mean? "What?" She didn't answer but simply walked back to her quarters. I decided to follow her. After all the ship was pretty much done. I close the hatch of my ship and start following her into her quarters. When I entered Akira was hunched over the table snacking on a protein bar. "We have a slight problem..." The armourer says. I look up from Akira to the armourer. "What is it?" "We received a distress call on the planet Ryloth... it is one of our kind, he got stranded there whilst doing a mission." I let out a huff. "and you want me to sort it out?" I ask ready to complete another mission. "and Akira of course." she adds on. I look down at my Togruta padawan seated at the bench looking straight back at me. "Ok, when do we go?" "It is an urgent matter, I would say in 5 minutes max." I nod my head. "We'll leave now." Akira hops up from her seat and walks to the hatch that led out of the armourers quarters. I cock my head a little. "You said we were leaving now." she says crossing her arms. I feel a smile tug at my lips. "let's go." We walk to the Crest. Thankfully Cal wasn't needed for this mission. Akira and Cal seemed to have heaps of issues with each other. After both of us settled in I made the jump for Ryloth. 

Tragic (Mando x Fem Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon