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Warnings: Torture near the end of the chapter will warn you when it is, you can skip it. 

You climbed the carved mountains until you reached the top. "If I were an olive green Twi'lek thief where would I be?" You question yourself. After a moments thought you let out a huff of defeat. You had never been to Ryloth yet there you were climbing mountains, with a wounded hand that was killing you. When you finally reached the top you scanned your surroundings. Your eyes searching every Twi'lek. There were thousands of olive coloured Twi'lek's, how were you going to find one in particular. Then it popped into your head. The markets! You quickly climbed down the small mountain slope and ran to the markets. You were careful to keep your face hidden under the hood. You finally made it to the markets. The spicy air filling your nostrils and slightly burning them. Then you saw a peculiar Twi'lek. She was cloaked just like you. She was also at a weapon store, and had olive green skin. "bingo!" you whisper yell to yourself. You confidently walk over to the Twi'lek and grab her shoulder, violently turning her around to face you. Her facial features matched the one's that you saw in the footage tape. A Rodian came and stood next to you. He wore baggy leggings, a white torso and a black jacket. "Is there a problem here?" he asks. His voice was rough. He was definitely a gangster. The Twi'lek swiped your hand off her shoulder. She made her way over to the Rodian and stood by his side. She rested her elbow on his shoulder and almost flirtly whispered something into his ear. The sight made your stomach turn. The Rodian took out a blaster and aimed it at you. Thankfully you already knew a few basic fight techniques. You quickly disarmed him and threw him over your shoulder. He landed flat on his back with a thud. You then turned your attention to the Twi'lek. "Now give me back those weapons you stole!"  you pretty much growl at her. She quickly grabbed a knife from a food store and went to swipe at your stomach. You ducked and swiped your leg in a circle causing the Twi'lek to loose her balance and fall to the ground. You went to stun her with the gun that you disarmed from the Rodian, little did you know the Rodian was standing behind you. You felt something small, freezing cold, and circular attach itself to your neck. Before you can touch it to see what it is a painful zap goes through your body. starting from your neck down. You scream and crumble to the ground. The last thing you saw was the Twi'lek and Rodian grabbing your arms then you blacked out. 

Mando's POV

Me and the other Mandalorian walked through the forests of Ryloth. "So how do you plan on finding this thief?" The stranded Mandalorian asks. "The markets, I just don't know where the weapons market is!" I angrily whisper yell. He pats me on the shoulder. "We'll find her." he reassures me. I nod and continue looking for the markets. My eyes scan over the different stalls available. I continue doing so until something bumps into me. I whip my head to face whatever bumped me only to see a yellow Twi'lek holding her head. "Ugh sorry." I say lifting her up. She gave me a look then replied "No worries." She might be able to lead me to the weapon markets! "Excuse me... do you know where the weapon markets are?" I ask her. "Yeah chini qi!" she yells starting to run. (chini qi! means follow me.) We both follow her through a few ally ways and then the weapon market came into view. Much to our disappointment there was no one there. We both let out annoyed huffs. "What's wrong?" she asks. "uh... were just looking for someone." Her eyes light up like Christmas lights. "I can help you find them! My uncle works with the rebellion, they know everyone!" she says in a deep Ryloth accent. Me and the other Mandalorian nod. "lead the way....." he pauses. "Tulip, my name is Tulip." she says. "Well lead the way Tulip!!" With that she smiled warmly and ran to the rebel hideout. She was surprisingly a really fast runner. We had to jump over a few branches whilst she easily crawled under them. She then came to a halt. "You see that mountain?" she asks pointing her finger to a high mountain. "yeah." "At the top you will see a ship graveyard, in one of the ships there will be a hatch that opens, walk through it and follow the stairs, it should take you to the rebellion." She says. "Your not coming?" She shakes her head. "I promised I would help my sister, I'm already late!" She remembers. She starts running and then stops. "Oh also.... watch out for the Gutkurr's!" With that she ran off back into the village to help her sister. "What's a Gutkurr?" The Mandalorian asks. I shrug my shoulders and start walking for the mountain. "You stay here, keep guard in case the thief comes." I say to the Mandalorian. He nods, and with that I start my climbing journey up the mountain. 

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