Chapter 7

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Rebecca stood in the press room, just along the wall. Tavin would soon take center stage and make some remarks, but for now Rebecca tried to blend in with the wall behind her.

The press, raucous as always, settled when Tavin entered and began to speak. Rebecca positioned herself behind him.

Tavin recited a carefully crafted statement, essentially conveying what Catharine had mentioned that morning: that Rebecca had merely tripped and the prince had caught her. Any assumption that Catharine was upset at Rebecca for being less-than-capable at her job was completely absurd. The statement deftly ignored the rumours of a romance between Alex and Rebecca, though it did clarify that Rebecca was not throwing herself at him.

"No offense to Miss Campo," piped up one reporter, "but yesterday she tripped and our future king had to save her. What if she trips over the Queen of England next? Do we really need to wait for an international incident?"

"As usual, George," Alex said as he strode into the room, sending the reporters scrambling to bow or curtsy, "you're overreacting and embellishing the situation."

When Rebecca rose from her own curtsy, she caught Alex's eye. For some reason, her fear ebbed slightly.

Alex walked up to the podium and motioned for everyone to sit before speaking. "I should hope that our Vallerian press corps has much better things to do than torment a competent young woman caught in an embarrassing moment. To that end, since the press is so handily gathered, I wanted to inform you personally that a Royal Council meeting was held first thing this morning concerning the budget for the remaining fiscal year."

Whispers flew through the room and almost every reporter's hand flew into the air; reporters could only speak when spoken to when addressing the royal family.

"I'll give a short statement, then you can follow up with Tavin for further inquiries. The Royal Council has approved, amongst other things, greater funds for education, our national parks, national security, and we are reinstituting raises for all government employees effective as of the first of the year. The relevant ministers on the Royal Council, as well as relevant agency heads, will each issue their own statement in turn and provide more details as necessary. Thank you. Now, let's all get back to work."

Alex walked over to Rebecca and gestured for her to walk first, a sign of respect that was not lost on the crowd watching them. Rebecca curtsied on weak knees before walking away. Alex followed behind with what seemed like a larger security team than was normal.

Whatever else you could say, that man had a talent for deflecting attention.

They made their way down the hall and towards the royal offices, stopping at Catharine's first. While Alex went to brief Catharine in her office, Rebecca went into her own office and shut the door behind her.

She slumped against the door and let out a long sigh of relief as she put a hand to her stomach, which had finally started to relax and uncurl. She wouldn't lose her job and wouldn't disgrace her family or the royal family. She would be okay.

At least, she thought she would be okay until Alex came striding into her office through the joint doorway and sent her senses reeling. She dropped into a quick curtsy and saw Alex's eyes flash.

He slowly walked over to her, where she was still positioned near the door. Her skin felt hotter, and she couldn't move—didn't want to move, if she was being honest with herself.

"I told you not to be so formal with me," he whispered as he stood in front of her.

She gave a surreptitious glance to the doorway; Catharine could come in any second. Rebecca's heart beat a little faster.

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