Welcome to... the league!

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3rd POV:

While Aizawa went for a run in order to save his roblem child, Kurogiri came and picked Izuku up. Since Shigaraki was still logged into Izuku's account the villains read everything class 1A wrote. They decided it would be best to take Izuku out of UA and never put him back into such a toxic environment.

Meanwhile in UA every teacher started to search for Izuku. Aizawa had a bad feeling and only hopped that the kid wouldn't take his own life after hearing and experiencng something like this. He knew what the kid went through while he was younger and the erasure hobo also known as Eraserhead or Caterpillar knew about the kids quirkless days. That was why he couldn't let Izuku be alone and go through something like this all by himself.

RG heard about class 1A and went over there with her special cane which was made out of pure steel. She had a cane like that just for these kind of occasions. Once she was in the dorm of class 1A she went to Bakugo and started to screaming and whacking the boy to the ground. Hound Dog could only watch and try to get the other kids to calm down before RG would get over to them. His work was however not enough as he went over to Todorki and whacked him, Iida, Uraraka and Momo until they were no longer to respond at all. Ever after this all of class 1A started fearing her and shut their mouth shut for good after spitting out soo much nonsense.

While all this happened All Might started to look over Midoriya's room in hope to find a lead where the kid went but all he could find was nothing. There was not even an indication that the kid left the room at all.

Nezu on the other hand already hacked into Midoriya's phone and found out about the VK group chat. The rat wasn't dumb in order not to know who the persons in there were. However he couldn't have Midoriya suffer any longer too. So in the end he decided to keep that secret and watch over the green bean. He was their cinnamon roll after all and if the path he was walking on would lead him to villainy than so be it. He would at least be the one watching over him and making sure that he would be all right.

V-Group Chat:

CinnamonRollOfUA changed their name to IamDonePlayingNice

IamDonePlayingNice: Anyone up to raid UA?

Player 1: Always ;)

GuessWhatIMean: WHAT A BOTHER!

GuessWhatIMean: UwU they are gonna die today!

Dhampire: NOOO! I don't have knifes!🔪 

PitchBlack: The punishment was a little bit too much.

BurnedNugget: She endangered my little cinnamon roll!

IamDonePlayngNice: You mean SINNAMON Roll.

Dr.Strange: Wait what happened to him?

PitchBlack: Class 1A made planes to murder him.

IamDonePlayingNice: Well I always wanted to find out how it would feel if someone would mess with it.

Player 1: We have a lab you can use.

IamDonePlayngNice: Oh I can?! I was more thinking about a torture room. Also I do want to mess with it and try a couple of things out.

 Dhampire: Stabby stabby?

IamDonePlayingNice: Oh more than that! I always wanted to break Bakugo's bones and make him experience his own flames. So a lot of burning, screaming, cutting, skinning, stabbing, chocking, and bleeding.

Lizard: Remind me to never piss him off.

Dr.Strange: I agree.

PitchBlack: As long as you don't hurt yourself.

Dhampire changed IamDonePlayingNice to Danger-Honey-Bun

Danger-Honey-Bun: ... do you want to be the first one, I should strap down to a table?

Dhamire changed Danger-Honey-Bun to IamDonePlayingNice

Dhampire: Sorry.

Player 1: What should we call you?

IamDonePlayingNice: I don't know. I was called Deku my whole life.

BurnedNugget: Then let's go with Usagi.

GuessWhatIMean: Cute bunny munny!

GuessWhatIMean: Bloody dangerous killer bunny!

IamDonePlayingNice: I like it! I take it!

Player 1: Well it's  offical now! Welcome to the league!

Player 1 changed  IamDonePlayingNice to Usagi

GuessWhatIMean: You disgrace don't deserve being here!

GuessWhatIMean: Welcome to the league bunny!

PitchBlack: Welcome.

BurnedNugget: Finally it was about time bunny!

Dr.Strange: Welcome!

Lizard: Hello!

Dhampire: WUHU! Can we throw a party?

PitchBlack: I am already getting all the stuff for it.

BurnedNugget: I got the best present for you then!

BurnedNugget went offline

Usagi: I am happy you guys accepted me this openly.

Player 1: There is no turning now.

Usagi: I won't. I am done trying to be a hero when all I get is being treated thisway. I won't hurt the UA staff or anyone who doesn't deserve it.

Lizard: Our own little dark hero. 

Dr.Strange: For the dirty-work you have us. So don't worry about it and enjoy being in the lab.

DIPS! He's mine! (not the usual chat fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora