LUV Yourself

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Natille's POV •

"I'll be your assistant."

I look up from the TV and find Xiomara feeding Zabelle in her high chair, her expression measured and calm. I allow a smile to blossom across my face but I feel like X will want to add a condition to things. She's my little debater.

"But," she slowly says.

I pause Hulu and turn around to look at her fully.

"I want you to really make sure you have a good lawyer for Midnight and someone who knows their shit," she adds.

I nod quickly. "I was planning on doing that anyways."

"Good." I see some relief filter into Xiomara and she finally relaxes, it seems, for the first time in a couple of days since we got that phone call from Regina.

"I wonder if she's outta state by now," Xiomara comments. I don't even have to ask who she's talking about. I only shrug. "The business and everything is in my name. I'm meeting up with a lawyer on Tuesday."

Xiomara pauses. "When were you gonna tell me this, Nat? You know Zabelle has a doctor's appointment on Tuesday."

I cringe. "I forgot. I'll just get an Uber and you can take the car." The car that I could barely afford but I wanted to have for my little family. "I thought you said you barely had enough money for Uber's anymore," Xiomara comments, feeding Zabelle a wiener. "I don't want you to waste money."

"It's fine, babe," I say. I stand up and kiss her on the forehead. "When we get Midnight together, money will be flowing in."

"Zabelle's my kid, I'll figure out a way to get her to the doctor's appointment. The lawyer is important to starting Midnight," she says slowly. "I won't stop you from your dreams or your job. I'll figure something out."

"Xiomara don't do this. You know I'm always here to help with Zabelle. Just because she isn't mine's nor my so called problem," I say, using my fingers to make quotes, "that doesn't mean that I don't wanna care for a child who I consider my own practically."

"But Nat-

"You don't have to do everything alone, baby," I kiss her head again. I give her a side hug and tickle Zabelle as I walk by. "But if you insist, see if your aunt or your mom can drive you there."

"Yeah, I'll do that," she gives me a little smile.

Xiomara's POV •

"Hey, Mom?"

"Oh Lord. Did Natille break up with you? I thought that was her I saw hugged up witta chick at the grocery store," my mother comments.

"I- What?" I exclaim.

"I'm just joking, child. But what's up? You hardly call me anymore now that you've moved away so far. I can't even see my grandchild. Are you trying to get away from me?" my mother complains.

"No Mom," I roll my eyes. "I was just wondering if you could take me and Zabelle to her doctor's appointment. Nat's going to talk to a lawyer."

"A lawyer? Jesus, she's a convict," my mother cries.

"No, mother," I cringe. Technically we both would be if we got caught. "She's talking to a lawyer to get Midnight straight so that she can start rebuilding it."

"Ohhh, isn't that the place you got fired from, sweetie?" my mother asks.

Way to rub it in Mom.

"Yes," I sigh. "Nat will be taking over. But anyways, it's on Tuesday," I add.

"Oh, sorry hun. Me and your father are going somewhere on Tuesday," she tells me. "See if Nicole can give you and the little one a ride."

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