Chapter 31 - Huang Chao-Xing

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The darkness of the place was the only thing Saint saw when he opened the door. It was both comforting and annoying at the same time. He should have expected it though, given that the day was already done and night time was taking over. Since he didn't feel like turning on any of the lights he just walked through the place hoping he didn't run into anything. The destination in his mind was the bed located upstairs and when he got to it, he first tossed his bag on the ground and then dropped into the bed feeling the firmness from the mattress and softness from his comforter. Saint let himself relax for a couple of minutes before realizing he forgot to do two things. The first was to take off his shoes at the front door and the second was to put the ipad In gave him on the charger since he was about to die. He let out a groan and proceeded to try and take off his shoes with little to no effort. He began to get more agitated when they wouldn't come off so he sat up properly, slid each one off their respective foot and put them to the side. Saint fell back into the bed and almost hit Arsenio who was sitting between two pillows. Another groan was let out but was followed by a heavy exhale seconds later. His mind was clouded and confused. He honestly wanted nothing to do with the outside world for the rest of the night. This moment was for him to think about everything that just happened.

Seeing In in his office terrified him for multiple reasons. Of course the first reason was them finally having the information they started to look for almost a year ago. Another one was more of a what-if what if his grandfather never left for his month-long vacation. Saint remembered Mew telling him bluntly that the youngest Thaveechaiyagarn son was someone his grandparents did not approve of at all. He was reckless and looking for trouble all the time. They did have business ties with that family but preferred for none of the sons to step foot into their building and when Thanom found out about Saint attending the same high school and college as In, he told him to stay away from him. Clearly that didn't work since he ended up dating him.

Saint turned to his left and looked towards the ground where his bag was. He remembers when they parted ways in the summer. In watched and waved him goodbye as he got on his flight...and in that moment he became the only one to truly know why he was returning to Thailand. He told Saint it was best for him to be there and him in the States in case they were ever caught. In promised to take any blame if someone ever figured out what they were doing and would say Saint didn't have any part in it since he was already back in Bangkok when all the searching was going on. Luckily they never got caught but now they both knew...they weren't the only ones looking for his mom. It was something that scared him because who else would want to know where she was? His grandparents had no reason since they personally did not like her and his father wasn't alive who? Both him and In tried to reason with the idea of maybe an old friend was looking for her. Saint thought about the possibility of her family but In turned down that idea by stating that the information from the private investigator would say otherwise. Before thinking any further, Saint pulled himself up and attempted to grab the bag without getting off the bed. It was a funny sight to see but he was able to get it and got himself situated before opening it to look for the ipad.

With the twenty percent that remained on it, he entered the code that In told him and was blinded by the brightness. He quickly turned it down to see two folders located on the home screen in the top left corner. One was labeled "H.C.X" and the other "G.J.Y". He recognized the initials of the second folder...but not the first so he clicked on that one. An array of documents, photos and recordings popped up. Seeing some of the items locked made him think that In assumed he was going to be impatient and try to view everything at once...he wasn't completely wrong for assuming that since Saint did attempt to open them without knowing the set password. He laughed to himself when he opened the actual first document and right there in big red letters was "DON'T TRY ANYTHING SUPPAPONG" and then in normal font under it was "I know you like to get to the point as soon as possible but this type of thing needs time and since I like scavenger hunts, that's what you'll be doing. Don't worry, the password will be at the bottom of the page. In case you are blind - it is also highlighted as well"

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