Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I stared ahead at the big stone brick walls and patches of grass belonging to the place I will call school for the next two years.

It had a relatively large structure. With different buildings made up of different materials. To the left was a red brick building, nothing remotely interesting about it, and to the right, a glass building which looked too futuristic for the small town it was in. Further to the left of that was a section of the grass field, continuing on at the back of the building. In the middle, a path of stepping stones leading towards an archway over two bold mahogany doors.

As I took in my surroundings, I felt a squeeze on my left hand from my best friend Violet, who I call Vi.

"Nervous?" She asked.

Today was our first day, we had both just moved to Beechwood, Canada, from England two days ago. We had just about enough time to unpack and get used to the time difference before we had to start our first day of school, luckily we started on the first day of the year so there probably would be other new students like us.

"I'll be fine as long as I've got you!" I replied - Vi was a relatively shy girl, we'd been friends for 5 years and although she'd always seem fine, she had a lot of family problems - her mum was an alcoholic and her dad had anger management issues. When my mum decided to ship me off here to live with my aunt, I decided to bring Vi along too - she needed to have a normal life away from her family problems, and I'd need her here to help me settle in so I didn't get too lonely all alone in a random town in a random country in a random continent so far away from home - so everything seemed to work out for the best.

Vi pulled me along towards the double mahogany doors and as we walked across the stepping stones. I took in the people around me. It wasn't what I'd expected - there were no distinct cliques - no goths, skaters, nerds, populars.. everyone seemed the same. They had a strong sense of togetherness - I guess that's what happens when everyone grows up together in a small town. I guess me and Vi were the only new people after all.

Another thing - these people all stared at me and Vi strangely, not just like we were the new students, but like we were a whole new species... Must be cause we're British.

As we neared the double doors, I heard a lot of hushed whispers, none seemed too hostile, just curious - and so I wasn't too worried. I hoped we'd make some new friends, but if not, at least I had Vi.

As we stepped into the building, the first thing I noticed was the painting above the principals office - a tall, strangely big mud brown wolf in a green, leafy forest. Strange painting to have in a school - but as I looked closer I found myself staring into the eyes of the beast- eyes two bright and intelligent to really belong to any common animal - eyes too human. Creepy.

I felt myself being pulled to the left as Vi turned, her hand in mine, moist with our sweat.. Hmm, time to let go of the hand... Also I wouldn't want any fit guys to think I was gay.

"Violet Parker and Scarlett Rose" I heard Vi say after I'd snapped out of my thoughts... We were at the office and Vi must be getting us signed up.

"Oh hello dears, what made you move to Beechwood?" The friendly middle-aged woman asked. One thing I love about Canada is that everyone's so friendly.

"My aunt lives here" I replied with a smile.

"And how you finding it so far?" She tried to make pleasant conversation as she sorted out the paperwork.

"There are a lot of trees," - its true, there were - "and the people are polite, I love how close knit the community is, maybe me and Vi will be a part of it all soon." I answered.

"I'm sure you will dear." She said. But why do I get the feeling she doesn't mean that,like she doesn't think we'll ever be truly welcomed and accepted by the residents of Beechwood.

At the back of my mind, I registered the voice of the lady "Here are your papers, and welcome to Beechwood High."


A/N - so that was the first chapter guys.. How was it? You have to leave a comment so I know what you think :P till next time. Have a cookie xx p.s sorry it's so short, it just an introduction chapter really

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