Chapter 35: Tangled In a Beautiful Way

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"Dear Rizz,
There's darkness, there's hate, there's bad stuff out there.
Heck, there's all of it within my imperfect human self as well.
But you know what you are?
The light of all lightness in my darkness, the love that tames and  extinguishes the hate I have about my own self.... You are the good part. No, you are pure GOODNESS.
I don't love you just because I see the good in you. Or you've been far by the kindest human to me.
I love you because you ARE good, kind and strong yet tender. You are a blessing. Not just to me, but to this entire dunyah.

And poets my say you're my half soul,
But I would like to tell you that

You're my whole heart...."

The mornings at Rizz and Aria's place was not something very peaceful.

The hustle bustle of breakfast preparation with Rizz's constant meeting calls, Aria getting ready for university, Awez and Fariha scolding Aria and Rizz for behaving like kids... It was a total circus.

Oh and yes,
The loud cries and chuckles of the newest member of their family.


Aria and Rizz decided to adopt Kabeer's child as soon as they saw her.

That's what they think.

But both of them knew deep down that they weren't ready to give that kid to foster homes.

The news of Aria and Rizz who were not even 25, adopting a child within a month of their marriage was a huge shock to their families.

Fariha demanded answers and the young couple spared all the details of Kabeer's history and just went with 'a friend of Rizz and Aria' who had no one to trust the baby with.

The legal formalities didn't take much time due to clear processes and Rizz's reputation in the legal circle.

Aria and Rizz went to meet the biological mother of Layla who was shocked to see both of them.

'Y'all are younger than me' were her words.

She was happy with Rizz and Aria adopting the child and smiled as she hugged Aria.

"He was right about you... Kabeer...", she smiled and seeing Aria's confused state she explained.

"We always knew there was someone. He was normal at first but as time passed he changed. The last time I saw him, be talked about you. Never mentioned your name. But described you. And whatever he said was right."

Aria looked at Rizz, knowing too well how hard it must be for Rizz to accept the child of a man who was practically obsessed with his wife and now learn these things from the biological mother of that child.

"You are a nice human. You both are. Aria you were too good for him. He wasn't right for you.", was all she said as she bid them goodbye.

Aria didn't ask her what she meant. She didn't ponder over it.

And nor did Rizz.

All they knew was a chapter was closed and a new one was about to begin.

As they walked out, Rizz just kissed her on the head and mumbled a 'I got lucky with you' and Aria replied with the same.

Rizz was now working on his new restaurant and going for his passion of cooking, an encouraging push made by Aria, of course.

Aria was using her management skills to help her husband while she worked part time at a digital marketing firm as well to brush up her skills.

The new decisions accompanied with new responsibilities, this Awez and Fariha moved in with the kids.

And that was a relief.

Everything was beautiful. Normal. Yet extraordinary.


"Dear Aria,
I still remember the day I saw you with all those bags and thinking why out of all the people my eyes landed on you.

And then I saw you again.

And again.

And then I just wanted you see you more and more. Talk to you. Know you.

You painted me with your soul's colour. Your scent.  Your smile. Your words. Your  thoughts. You self.

You said you loved reading. You surely do because you read the unreadable emotions within me.

Everytime I look at you, under the moonlight, under the sunlight, under the streetlights, even under the lights hanging from our ceilings, I just wish to fall in love with you more and more.

And I do. I fall for you deeper with every passing second.

It's ecstatic... beautiful. Lovely.

Love for me was never an emotion or a word or a feeling when I got you.

Love for me was, is and always gonna be YOU...."


A/N: Okay so, I'm crying. Yes thats it. I am crying.

This might be one of the last ones I wrote and I don't know if I will ever write again.

But the journey has been beautiful.

Tangled Up was way different from Meant To Be and more raw.

This book was my anchor on bad days.

This small chapter, the end, is been written by me in a difficult time emotionally. It is like a therapy. I feel good writing this.

I am just blabbering now, haha. Idk what to write to you guys anymore.

Just want to thank you for coming this far.

Love you.

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