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"Neil, get your ass down! He's gonna be here in less than two minutes!" Louis whisper shouted.

"But I'm hungry." Niall whined.

"You can eat in five fucking minutes! I'm not letting you ruin the surprise because of your stupid food addiction." Louis sighed.

"Hey, no hate on the food addition man." I defended Niall. We were all in Louis house for Harry's surprise party. It's his eighteenth birthday today. Everyone convinced him that we couldn't make it on his birthday to add to the surprise effect. It broke my heart how sad he looked that when I told him. Louis told Harry to come to his house at four to go on a special birthday date. That date will have to wait until tomorrow.

"He's here! Everyone hide!" Liam said.

"You good there, bud?" Amelia asked Zayn who let out a grunt.

"I'm gonna break my back in about fifteen seconds if he doesn't hurry." Zayn croaked out. He was folded under the coffee table. Don't ask me how he got under there because I have no idea. He was sitting with his legs stretched out in front of him and his head was between his knees. It looked very painful.

We heard the sound of a door open, and I heard Louis count down.

"3, 2, 1!"

"Happy birthday!" We all shouted while jumping up. Well, all of us except for Zayn. He was struggling on the floor to get from under the table. He didn't really think that through.

"Jesus fucking shit!" Harry yelled and put a hand on his heart.

"You fucking scared me." He sighed. Louis made his way over him with a wide grin on his face.

"That was kind of the intention but uhm surprise!" He said with jazz hands.

"Welcome to your birthday party." Zayn smiled.

"Happy birthday man, but do you mind if I go to the fridge real quick?" Niall said.

"Thanks mate. And yes, you can go." Harry chuckled.

"You all came? I thought you were busy." Harry said with a wide smile while looking around the room.

"Of course! I wouldn't want to miss it for the world!" I said.

"Yeah, we love ya." Liam said and hugged Harry.

'Group hug!' Niall shouted and ran at the two of them with a half-eaten Oreo bar in his hand.

"Damnit Niall, that was the last one! I was gonna eat that." Louis said and smacked him in the head, but still joined the hug.

"Aw, what'd you do that for." Niall said, his Irish accent making it ten times more ironic.

Amelia, Zayn, and I also joined the hug. In the middle were Liam and Harry with Louis and Niall on either side of them. I was standing a bit behind Niall and Liam. Amelia stood next to Liam and Harry and Zayn was stood between Niall and Louis.

"We're like 7 best friends." Zayn said.

"Just 7 laddy lads having a laugh." Harry grinned.

"Lads doing lad things like lads do." Louis said which made Harry giggle. I repeat giggle.

Next thing I know Harry and Louis were in a full blown make out session right in front of us. I heard a click sound next to me and saw Niall putting away his phone. I gave him a scolding look that he just shrugged off.

"For the memories, you know." He gave me a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but grin at his reply.

"Right, lads, save the making out for tonight." Zayn whined.

Please Don't Leave [n.h] // AUWhere stories live. Discover now