
That's all this week has been. It started with me being mad at my mum that I couldn't go to the movies with Amelia to it being the best week ever since they died. I didn't know it could feel like this again, that I could feel like this again, that life could feel like this again.

Yesterday was interesting so to say. It started with me waking up to a text from Niall saying he was sick and wasn't going to school. I called him right afterwards to check on him and he sounded like he hadn't slept in a week, and he was constantly coughing and grunting. My heart ached for how bad he sounded. I knew that if I went to school, I wouldn't be able to concentrate, and he would be all I thought about.

So, I went to my mum and used every excuse I could find to not go to school and go to Niall's instead, to help him. After a lot of complaining my mum eventually agreed on one condition.

That I would tell him how I felt when he was better.

I was planning on telling him anyway, so I didn't have a problem with that. That lead to me going to Niall's and me taking care of him the whole day while his mother was gone for work. For the most part of the day, he just slept while I cuddled him, but we've also talked a lot and watched friends on his laptop. In the meantime, I've also updated the boys over how Niall was doing every hour or so, which ended with them teasing me for it.

I did learn one thing about Niall today. He is very clingy when he is sick. Not in a bad way though. He was constantly touching me and never leaving my side. Even when I went downstairs to make him some food, he followed right behind me like a puppy.

A cute one may I add.

The thing I didn't expect from him was that he was very open about everything. He blurted out everything he thought of. He told me some of his childhood memories, the good and bad. He told me about how every summer he would travel to America with his family to visit his grandparents and about his friends at his old school in Ireland. He also told me that he hated his father and that he didn't like how his father treated his mum. He looked half asleep when he told me the last part, so I don't know if he remembers it.

What did his father do? Did he treat him badly too? Where is his father now?

All those questions were swimming in my head for the rest of the day while I watched Niall sleep. He looked so peaceful. It got me thinking about how little I actually know him, but enough for me to really like him. I know nothing, well a little bit, about his past. Hell, I don't even know when his birthday is. But I want to get to know all that stuff. I want him to feel safe enough and trust me enough to tell me, the good and bad.

I got home at five pm and got ready for my sleepover with Amelia like every Friday night. I made my special cookies and put on my unicorn onesie. My mum got home at seven pm with our food. We ate everything while I told her about my day. Amelia arrived at eight and greeted me with 'Bitch, you missed so much at school today. Olivia got in a fight.'

That obviously grabbed my full attention, and we made our way over to my room as fast as possible.

"So, you know Leslie, right? The girl she bullies? Well, she finally stood up for herself and threw a punch or two. Olivia hit back of course, but apparently Leslie boxes, so that was a very bad idea. Olivia was wrecked when the teachers finally got them to stop fighting. I talked to Leslie afterwards and she said that she was done with her bullshit a while ago and took boxing classes. She wasn't planning on really starting a fight she just wanted to learn how to defend herself, but Olivia said something that made her see red and she just started hitting." Amelia had said.

Why does nothing interesting happen when I'm at school, but the one day I don't go there is a whole bitch fight. We spent the whole night talking and gossiping until we fell asleep. We woke up this morning at ten am and we left for Amelia's game not much after. She immediately made her way over to the changing rooms while I took a seat in the stands. Ten minutes before the game Liam arrived and sat next to me.

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