
February 20
1 year earlier

"What do you think?" I asked Amelia.

"You look hot as fuck. Ashton's gonna go crazy." She said. I smiled at her, and I took a last look in the mirror. I was wearing a silk, black dress much shorter than I was used to. The black heels I was wearing were already making my feet hurt. My hair was in a ponytail, and I was wearing a little bit of makeup. Amelia was wearing the same dress as I was, but her dress was red, and she was wearing a lot more make up than I was. The red lipstick really standing out.

"Okay, I'm ready." I said. We were going to Olivia's party. She was well known in our neighborhood for her kindness. Everyone adored her. And of course, my brother has a crush on her. He says he's gonna ask her out tonight, but he's been saying that for a good year now. After the party we're all going to crash at Ashton's place. Ashton has been my boyfriend for over two years now. And I am happy with him. I really am. He says he's going to change. He's just a bit jealous.

"Let's go then." Amelia said and we made our way over to the front door.

"We're off!" Amelia shouted. She closed the door after us, and we started walking to Olivia's house. After a good ten-minute walk, we arrived. The place was packed. Literally. Everywhere you looked were people either dancing, making out or looking like they had no idea what they were doing here. I scanned the room and saw River and Ashton talking with some of their friends from school.

"Here! Drink this!" Amelia said and handed me a red cup. We made our way over to the dance floor and started dancing.

An hour later I was still dancing. Ashton and River came dancing with us for a bit and had gone off somewhere a couple minutes ago. River was really going through with his plan and was now looking for Olivia. Amelia was getting new drinks for us when I felt someone hug me form behind me. Ashton's smell immediately overwhelming me. He kissed my neck and I leaned into him.

"Finally giving in, are we?"

My eyes widened and I felt my heart drop. This wasn't Ashton. This was Lee. He's been trying to get me to go out with him for a long time.

No no no no this can't be happening. He's the reason Ashton's always so mad.

Shit fuck shit. This can't be real.

I pushed Lee off me and scanned the room looking for the person I wish didn't see what just happened. When I finally found him, I felt my insides turn upside down, and not in a good way. He was taking big steps towards me, glaring at me like I was his worst enemy. Clenching and unclenching his jaw. When he reached me, he grabbed my arm forcefully and dragged me through the mass of people. He opened the door to a room that said, 'no access'. A nervous shiver going up my spine.

By the looks of it the room was a bedroom.

"You think you can do that huh?" Ashton said with so much hatred in his voice. He was towering above me. His once beautiful brown eyes completely black. I've seen him mad before, but it was nothing like this.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was y-"

"Shut up!" He yelled, cutting me off and making me flinch.

"You think it's okay to let someone else touch you? Kiss you?" He glared at me.

"I'm sorry, but I re-"

I was cut off by a strong force on my cheek. So strong I fell to the ground. The reality of what happened hitting through me seconds later. Oh my god. He just hit me again. There was a burning feeling on my cheek, and I felt my eyes watering.

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