Party or drama part 1

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Emma's P.O.V: I decided to do a party, and invite all my friends .
I send an text invitation to everyone and waited for a while for there reply .

(Message convo)

To: jax ,Daniel,Andi,Phillip,Maddie, Diego,Sophie,Katie,Mia,Regan,Evelyn,Exavier.

Jax: cool, when is it ? I'll be there
Emma: tomorrow @ 6:00
Andi: ok
Daniel: ^^
Maddie: I'll be there
Diego: ok
Katie: I'll be there
Sophie: ^^
Mia: I'll be there .
Evelyn: ok!!!
Phillip: I'll be there
Regan: ^^
( End Of Convo )

Still Emma's P.O.V: The only person who didn't respond is Exaver.
" hmmm" I wonder why ?
After our group convo, I started to decorate the whole house.
I Casted a spell, and the whole house was decorated, there where " food,drinks,games, and more "
Tomorrow will be our time of our lives, or so 😏.

* next morning ☀️*

Evelyn's P.O.V: Today, Was Emma's Party, I curled my hair, and did my make up.
Then I went to my closet and picked out a white tank top, and a black skirt, with my black high heels .
I tried casting a spell, but it's useless .
My dad took my powers away 😒.
But I'll get my revenge anyways.....
I got ready, and took my phone, and headed my way to Emma's house early......

Andi's P.O.V: I woke up around 8 am, and asked emma if she was wanted help with glitter proofing her house for the party .

( text convo )
Andi: Hey Em, do you need any help glitter proofing your house ?
Emma: Im not glitter proofing, I'm decorating the house, you can help if you want.
Andi: ok I'll be there in 10 minutes .

Andi's P.O.V: I went to my closet to see what should I wear .
I wore a white tank top, with my short jeans, and a blue jackets, that I knotted around my waist .
With my white sneakers .
I grabbed my headphones, and my phone and walked out the door .

-setting: Emma's House-

Still Andi's P.O.V: I knocked on Emma's door, and waited a minute or so till she opened it .
But instead it was another girl .

Andi- did I make a wrong turn ?
Evelyn: know you made the right, emma is decorating. By the way I'm Evelyn .
Andi: the names andi .

I entered and emma was decorating.

Andi: * closes her eyes * please don't be girly please don't be girly .
Emma: Andi it's not girly I promise .
Andi: so it's all tomboy like ? * sqeals *
Emma: no, it's an ordinary party .
Andi: "oh come on" i said as I pouted

- Skips to 6:00-

Emma's P.O.V: everyone started to come as I opened the door. Gigi rushed in with her camera on, as usual .

Gigi: This Is Miss.Information As Known As " Gigi Rueda " and you're about to be miss informed .
I am currently at " Emma Alonso's " party .
OOOH this is gonna be a recipe for disaster, stay tuned to see what will be happening.
This is Miss.Information and you've been Miss Informed For now!!!!

Emma's P.O.V: we all started to play games and talk. Then out of know where.
Exavier showed up, and Maddie and Diego's eyes were bold.

Maddie: what is he doing here ?
Emma: uhhh, I invited him .
Exavier: Awh, the poor thing is scared of me .
Diego: "watch it " diego said as he growls .

"Gigi I think there was drama between Jeremy and Brianna outside " Andi said .
" really " Gigi said as she ran out .

Andi locked the door and came back and sat back on the couch .

" so what he do " Andi said looking at diego, Maddie, Exavier .
" nothing " Exavier said rolling his eyes .
" are you kidding me, nothing " diego said .
" he tried to brake me and diego apart, then destroy me " Maddie said .
" why would he do that " andi said .
" no offense to diego or mia but Exavier is a metal kanay " Maddie said .
" now she thinks I'm mental " Exavier said as he laughs .
" because you are!!!" Maddie said scolding him.

" alright that's enough " mia said .
" in out of here " Maddie said going to the door .
" I wouldn't do that if I were you " Exavier said throwing a fireball at Maddie .

Maddie ducked down .

" you could have burned my flawless hair " Maddie growled .
" oops " Exavier said rolling his eyes .

" umm.I'm gonna leave now " Andi said .
" one of yours try to make a move and I'll freeze you " Exavier said getting ready to freeze something .
" great it's like what mia did to us but Exavier is doing it to us " Jax rolled his eyes.........

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