I finally found you

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SOTC: Where Have you Been
By: Rihanna
* Next Morning * ☀️

Jax's P.O.V: I got ready For school, I Casted a spell to put my uniform on . I got my backpack and ran down the stairs to go walk emma to school .
I grabbed my phone and locked the door.
I was walking to Emma's house, and 4 minutes later I was at her door steps .


Emma's P.O.V: I woke up, and got ready for school, I curled my hair, and did my makeup. Then I casted a spell, so my uniform was on.
I grabbed a pair of my ban dazzled sneakers .
I heard a knock on the door, probably it was Jax, I grabbed my backpacked and went to the door and opened it .

Emma: Hey Jaxy
Jax: Hey em, ready for school ?
Emma: yes, let's go .

Still Emma's P.O.V: I locked the door, and held onto jax's hand, and we both walked to school together .
As we were walking, someone called Jax's name out loud .

Evelyn's P.O.V: I got ready for school, and I just hope I found my big brother, I miss him so much the only thing I had from him, when my dad kicked him out, all I had was a half locket that I have, and he has.
Anyways, I wore my uniform, and a pair of sneakers, and got my backpack and headed to school.
While I was walking I saw this boy and this girl walking and holding hands. They both go to iridium high, cause they were wearing the uniform .
I get closer and realized it was Jax!!!!
It is my brother!!!!!
From the top of my lungs, i screamed jax!!!.
As  He turned around, his eyes were bold, and surprised to see me!!!.

Jax's P.O.V: i heard someone yelling my name out loud, I turned around to see....
No it can't be Evelyn!!!!
Is that really Evelyn?
But I thought she was with my dad
I run to her to see if it was Evelyn.

Evelyn: Jax!!! I missed you so much!!!
Jax: Evelyn? Is that you ?
Evelyn: of course it's me, see when dad kicked you out you gave me a half locket, and you half the other half * shows the locket *
Jax: I always have the locket I'd never take it off * puts the two pockets together *
( emma comes )
Emma: who's this Jax ?
Jax: this is Evelyn Jessie Novoa, my younger sister.
Emma: hi Evelyn, nice to meet you .
Evelyn: hi, nice to meet you, what's you're name ?
Emma: my name is emma, but my friends call me EM for short.
Evelyn: cool
Jax: so what brought you here to Miami ?
Evelyn: dad kicked me out and took my powers aways, so I went searching for you.
Emma: why'd he kick you out ?
Evelyn: cause he said I was acting to much like Jax, which disgust him .
Jax: don't worry, I'll get my revenge on him, and I'll get you're powers back .
Evelyn: thanks Jax
Jax: no problems, that's what siblings are for!
Emma: not to be rude,but we're gonna be late to school .
Jax: sorry, let's keep walking.
Evelyn: so emma are you Jax's girlfriend ?
Emma: yes
Evelyn: you're really pretty, by the way
Emma: thanks .
Evelyn: know problem.

Emma's P.O.V: Evelyn was so nice, I hope we can be friends, and do makeovers, and do Scrapbooking together!!!!

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