We're not the same

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Third Person POV

Kara stood at her window, looking out into the city that she protected everyday. Her mind wandered to her recent adventures and couldn't help but smile. She looked over towards L-Corp and studied the building. She had never paid close attention to the building but something was drawing her to it now. She looked up and down the building as she tried to figure it out. Thats when she saw it. Someone flew towards L-Corp and landed on the building. Kara tilted her head slightly and raised an eyebrow. The figure sat down on the edge of the building. Kara decided to go see who or what it was.

She quickly put her suit on and flew out of the window and towards the large building. As she approached the building the being noticed her and started to get up. As Kara landed on the building, the other flew off. Kara chased after them and was shocked by how fast they could fly. She eventually caught up to the other and they stopped and stared back at her. Kara looked around and noticed they were no longer in National City, but somewhere in Asia.

"What do you want?" The other said, their voice seemed like it was filtered through the mask they were wearing which acted like a voice changer. They sounded very neutral with little to no emotion in their words. None of their face was revealed except for two eye holes. They were dressed in a black and green outfit with a small symbol on it but Kara could not figure out what it was.

"Who are you?" Kara asked. She spoke loudly to ensure the other could hear her. The other stayed silent and continued to stare at Kara who was wearing her suit.

"That doesn't matter." The being replied.

"It matters to me. Who are you? Where are you from?" Kara asked again, lifting one eyebrow up and keeping herself focused on the other.

"I'm from National City."

"How can you fly then? You have to be an alien. Are you from Krypton?" Kara asked with a little bit of hope.

"I may have the same powers as you, Supergirl, but I'm not an alien. I would rather not talk to you if I am being honest." The other said. The wind started picking up which lead to the others hood flying off, revealing their long, dark brown hair. They quickly grabbed the hood and pulled it back up onto their head.

"What can I call you? Do you even have a name?" Kara asked, getting a bit annoyed with the others lack of interest.

"Of course I have a name. But it's none of your business." They said.

"It is my business if you are going to lurk in National City." The hero said.

"If I tell you my name, can I leave?" They said.

"Sure." Kara said.

"You can call me the Dark Defender. Now please, leave me alone."

"Thats a nice name." Kara said, not really understanding the meaning behind it.

"My brother chose it." They said as they started to fly off.

"Wait! One more question and then I will be done." Kara said, slowing following the other.

"What." The Dark Defender said blankly.

"Does your brother have the same powers?" She asked.

"No." They said before flying off.

Kara hovered there before decided to go to the DEO and tell the others what had just happened. She took her time flying back to National City. She didn't want the 'Dark Defender' thinking that she was stalking them. What an odd name. It sounds like something a villain would choose. Kara hoped she made the right choice to let the other go.

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