Yandere!Quackity Au

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{YOOOOOO I WAS JUST LOOKING THRU TWITTER AND I GOT THIS SHITTY IDEA🤩, does this count as angst- anyways🤩🤩🤩🤩}

[It was one normal day for Schlatt. But Quackity keeps following Schlatt, he was hiding where ever Schlatt wouldn't see him.]

Schlatt turned around to see no one following him, he was sure he heard footsteps. "..what the hell.? Uhm." He then continued walking, with Quackity still following him.

{At Schlatt's house}

He placed his backpack down on the floor and laid on the couch. Then fell asleep.

Quackity snuck in and stared at him sleeping. He quietly took a picture of him. "He's so pretty..<3" Quackity whispered to himself while having a Shaky breath.


Schlatt started to wake up, Quackity quickly ran out and went into an alleyway. Schlatt then sat up and rubbed his eyes.

He yawned, got a notification quickly. Schlatt took his phone, it was Quackity who texted him.

{Phone POV}

The Dumb Duck: Hey Schlatt! You awake? Can I come over? :D

The Handsome Ram: Sure Quackity, let me just clean the house.

The Dumb Duck: Alright

{Timeskip, Quackity had came over}

Quackity kept staring at Schlatt.

"So, you uhm, got any plans..?-" Schlatt asked him.

"Oh, no, sorry!" Quackity chuckled and went a bit closer to Schlatt. He was blushing, Schlatt was a bit worried.

"What're you doing?" Schlatt chuckled nervously, concerned of how Quackity was a bit close

"Nothing! Just, you know." Quackity looked at the floor then mumbled as he was sweating and blushing so hard.

"What? Come on speak up." Schlatt made Quackity face him, their eyes met. They stared at eachother for a minute.

"I- I said.." Quackity mumbled again. He was still sweating and blushing.

"Speak up, Quackity." Schlatt said in a rude way.

"A- admiring you..?-" Quackity responded him nervously.

"Oh, okay then." Schlatt ruffled his hair.

Quackity started to blush a bit too hard.
"S- SO UHM- YOU HAVE ANY PLANS?-" Quackity raised his voice, he was flustered that Schlatt touched his hair. 'Weird..' Schlatt thought.

"Nah, I'd rather stay home ig." Schlatt laughed softly.

"Oh, alright then-" Quackity grinned.

{4 months later, yeah I'm lazy✌😔}

Schlatt was sleeping on the couch again. Like a drunk dad./hj

Quackity quickly tied Schlatt up onto a chair and taped his mouth. Then brought him to Schlatts room.

{A few minutes later..}

Schlatt started to wake up, he realized he was tied up and had a tape on his mouth.

"Oh! Schlatt!! You're awake! <33" Quackity laughed.

Schlatt mumbled. Quackity went over to him and took the tape off.

"What was that you were saying?" Quackity asked in a curious and happy way.

"..why am I tied up Quackity?" Schlatt questioned in a soft tone.

"Ohh, no need to worry for that!" Quackity chuckled and hugged him. "For now you need to worry about the bodies." Quackity whispered in his ear.

"..." Schlatt had no response, til 10 seconds later. "What, bodies?" Schlatt asked in a worried and nervous tone.

"The ones who have been talking to you." Quackity laughed like a maniac.

"I-.." Schlatt started to panic.

"One day. We will get married and WE WILL STAY WITH EACHOTHER FOREVER! <3" Quackity continued laughing.

Schlatt had no words. But continued to panic more.

"S- so, you did this all. Just to, like. Marry me..?" Schlatt said in a nervous and uncomfortable tone.

"Yes! Yes Schlatt. I really wanna get married with you, so I bought us rings!" Quackity took out 2 boxes that had rings in it.

Gently placed one in one of Schlatts finger, and does the same for himself. "Look schlatt! We're married." Quackity giggled.

"I- i really like you. But I didn't think you would go this far. J- just for me.." Schlatt quietly said.

"..are you saying you don't wanna get married with me.?" Quackity said in an angry way.

"N- no! I do wanna get married with you, it's just that. nevermind.." Schlatts voice started getting quieter.

"Good. Cause you'll be staying." Quackity moved closer to his face. "With ME. And only me. Forever and ever. You got that?" Quackity said in a scary way.

"..got it." Schlatt responded quietly.

Quackity gently patted Schlatts head and kissed him on the forehead. Then untied him.

"There we go. Now amor you must follo-" Quackity was cut off as Schlatt ran fast to the bathroom and shut the door locked.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE AMOR, DONT YOU WANNA STAY WITH ME?" Quackity quickly rushed to the bathroom door that was locked.

Schlatt quickly called the police and told him what situation he was into.

"AMOR! LET ME IN THIS INSTANT." Quackity aggressively banged the door, it made Schlatt start Panicking and stuttering while talking to the police.

"Please hurry. Please Please please." Schlatt started crying,

"AMOR. LET. ME. IN. RIGHT. THIS. INSTANT." Quackity then punched the door, that it made a hole. "WHERE ARE YOU AMOR?" Quackity started laughing like a maniac again.

"Leave me alone." Schlatt responded.

"Let. Me. IN!" Quackity kicked the door down and Schlatt quickly went into the corner of the bathroom.

Quackity started approaching him with a crazy look on his face.

"L- leave me alone, please." Schlatt then started to cry too hard. Quackity sat down infront of Schlatt and placed his hand on Schlatts cheek.

"Amor, I love you, but why would you call the police on me." Quackity asked him in an angry tone.

"I- i- uhm.." Schlatt had no words to say.

{Police showed up and handcuffed Quackity then all went out of the house}


{To Be Continued👏}


{Word Count: 971 words}

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