Chapter 7: Brick's Important Business

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Blossom's POV

After we finished the assignment, we didn't talk to Jojos much. Which was extremely good for us since they were getting on my nerves lately.

We also didn't have much time to hang out with each other because Buttercup is seriously training for this season. I'm so proud of her! She told me that Butch and Brick are on her team now too. That'll be interesting...

I knew that Butch played basketball since he used to do it a lot when we were younger, but I didn't know Brick was also a basketball player. Well, he is tall, so it makes sense...

Welp, since Buttercup is busy with basketball, and Bubbles has her babysitting job, I decided to do something with my life too! The only problem is, I don't know what. So, tomorrow I'm going to ask Mrs. Johnson if she has any extra activities I can enroll in!

When our math class finished, I went up to Mrs. Johnson before she went to the teacher's lounge.

"Hey, Mrs. Johnson, do you have a minute?"

She stopped folding some papers and smiled.

"Sure, Blossom, always. What's up?"

After I explained my problem to her, she laughed a bit.

"I've got just the thing for you! There are so many tutoring positions open since it's in demand this year, so maybe you could tutor math! There are quite a lot of students who need help this year!"

That's perfect! I'll have the chance to help some students while doing my favorite subject! I signed up right away.

Since then, in these past couple of weeks, I've had many people, usually freshmen, who would need tutoring. Some of them would come in just because they didn't understand their homework, some because they needed the lesson to be explained, while others had to cause they didn't know math at all.

I was planning to go to Buttercup's game tomorrow, but Mrs. Johnson booked me an urgent tutoring gig.

"Blossom, you have to tutor a student tomorrow! He's a sophomore just like you and has been failing recently! This is urgent, and you have to help him!"

I was disappointed.

"Tomorrow? But the basketball game is tomorrow! My sister is playing, I can't miss it! Why can't someone else tutor him?"

"I know, I know, but this is important. He will fail my class if he doesn't get a good grade by the end of this week! I picked you specifically to tutor him since I feel like you two would click and understand each other, plus you are the best at explaining! I know about the game, and the best thing I can do there is to move the tutoring afterward. Does that sound okay?"

I guess that's fine. I'll have time to watch the game, as well as to go tutor him. I wonder who he is... I'm pretty sure I know every sophomore, so I should know him.

It was finally time for Buttercup's big game, and Bubbles and I are going together. She also has to do something afterward, a babysitting job or something...

Buttercup got us seats in the middle row, so we could see everything. Bubbles went to get some snacks, but I lectured her:

"Those pre-packaged foods are terrible for you! You shouldn't eat them!"

However, she still went to get us some nachos.

When the game started, it was a real surprise. Tridgeway was much better than last year, and I could see our team struggling. Surprisingly, Brick is a great player... His technique is clean and carefully thought off. Either Mojo Jojo forced basketball as a part of their evil training, or those two actually grew into far more normal teens than I expected.

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