Chapter 3: The Rowdyruff Takeover

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"Hi, Powerpuffs. Long time no see, yeah?"

Time stood still for the girls after that sentence. All their worst fears, all the things they hoped wouldn't happen, were very real and happening right now. The Rowdyruffs knew who they were. They knew they went to the same school as their mortal enemies, the Powerpuff Girls.

What was worst of all, the girls didn't know how this is going to turn out or why this happened. However it went, it couldn't end well.

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup couldn't move a muscle, no matter how much they tried.

"What, cat got your tongue now, Baby Blue ?" Boomer repeated the teasing tone of his brothers.

The three female superheroes slowly turned around. They looked at the guys intensively, trying to find any clue of why they were doing this, trying to predict their next move.

"What... What are you doing here? Why are you showing up now?" Blossom was the first to find her words.

Her red rival clicked his tongue.

"Why? Did you miss us, so you wished we had come sooner?"

Butch laughed at his brother's sentence.

"Awww, did someone need some big strong Ruffs to save them from the scary monsters that came after them? You know, no shame in admitting that you needed us around in these- What, it's been like five years? Even lame superheroes like you need someone to save them." He mocked.

At that moment, Buttercup snapped. There was a limit to what a girl could take, after all.

She used her super strength and pinned Butch against a locker, using her shadow control to tackle the other boys. As soon as the red and the blue brothers were on the ground, Bubbles and Blossom pounced on them to keep them from moving.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! We NEVER needed you! We FOUGHT you! We NEVER missed you, and we DREADED the day we would see you again! I don't know why you three are here, but if you want to fight, do it already so we can beat your sorry asses!

While Buttercup was busy screaming at Butch, her sisters were occupied with holding down the rest of the Rowdyruffs.

Butch used his energy outburst to push the raven-haired girl off him and soon helped his brothers do the same.

"Oh yeah? Well, tell me, feisty pants, what are you gonna beat us for? You can't beat someone up without a reason"

Blossom already started to raise the temperature since she does that whenever she's nervous. This situation truly was nerve-wracking.

"We do have a reason! How about for all of the stupid crimes you committed, huh? Don't you think you deserve it?!"

Boomer laughed. Just like it was said earlier, that cute face hid an evil guy. At least, it used to.

"Those are in the past. Face it, Powerpuffs, nobody remembers what we did. To them, we are just the new guys, so if you do attack us, everybody will blame you. You'll be the villain!"

The Jojo brothers were right, unfortunately. Nobody remembered what kind of bad guys they were, so if the girls beat them it would look like it was their fault. Then, they would probably lose the title of Townsville's superheroes, which wouldn't be very good.

The Utonium sisters had to admit the three villain brothers really got them cornered now.

"Well, you have to stop using your powers now, or else... Else.." Bubbles tried to sound intimidating, but with her being Bubbles, it didn't work the best.

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