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𝙏𝙞𝙩𝙡𝙚 :


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I got up to go but it started to rain.

"Wow great what a great day" I said looking at the sky.

'Why why is this happening to me like this?!!?? I hate my life!!!! First he cared about me and now he just left me hanging like nothing happened and now it's raining?!???'

'Aishhh u dumb bitch don't even know to handle your life!!!' I yelled at myself. Cuz that's the truth.

I waited for 2 mins and I couldn't wait anymore for this rain so I just planned to run home.

"Fck it I guess" I just took my things and starter running.

I didn't run so far but I was fully wet at that time.

Authors POV :
Y/n was running home in rain but suddenly someone grabbed her and dragged to her empty place.

Y/n's POV agian :
Someone or smth grabbed me into a empty alley.

"Yah let me go!!!!! Who the f are you!!?!!? Let me go you jerk!!!* I yelled and he let me go.

"Who is this?!??" "Jimin?" I was shocked to see jimin...

As Y/n asked who it was and jimin slowly took off his mask and told her to calm down.

"Y/n it's me jimin and pls calm down" Jimin said calmly.

"How are you so calm?? After ignoring my entire existence??!? Huh??!? U thought I would forget that??!? Care to explain what happened to Jungkook and why everyone is acting like I don't exist?!???!" Y/n yelled-whispered to jimin.

"Y/n Y/n iam here to explain you everything pls calm down I can understand how it feels!" Jimin said.

"Ok then explain me everything right now!" Y/n said calming down.

"So what happened is you know jk's dad right? U have seen him right?" Jimin asked Y/n

"Yeah....why sudden question?" Y/n replied.

"Ok let me continue.....so the day you were shot and admitted in hospital.....yeonha came fake crying , she said it her self that she was the one who shot you and jungkook embarrassed her infront of everyone by slapping her and roasting her......and the security took her out of the hospital......we stayed there for sometimes and your mom said us to go home but we refused to but she was forcing us so went home and.....yeonha came and threatened to kill us....well not only her but jk's father too and he locked us I mean all of us in the basement for a week and he put a pill in jungkook's mouth which is a memories erase pill....so that's why he almost forgot us and completely forgot you....his dad threatened us not to tell you or jungkook about this or he might kill us but iam risking it for you and jungkook....cuz I know how much jungkook loves you....Iam really sorry for what happened I wasn't able protect Jungkook...."
Jimin said holding his tears while Y/n was already crying so much hearing this much has happened when she was in coma.

(If u didn't know this check out my last parts)

"This much happened and I didn't knew it??? why is jk's dad like this what's his motive??? But what about you now??! What if his kill you!!?!! Why did u risk it for me??!? No jimin ah I'll just forget Jungkook and u also forgot about telling me this!!" Y/n sobbed.

"No Y/n nothing will happen to me iam sure I just wanna protect you both and be happy we are all hiding in a place where no one knows not even Jungkook....I was searching for you in school and finally found you I didn't want to talk to you right there so I followed you and heard you sobbing.... sorry Y/n you had to go through this." Jimin said worried.

"But- but how can we make Jungkook remember everyone and everything?!!?? Is that possible???"
Y/n asked.

"Iam not sure if that's possible but if we keep talking to him about it then he would remember I think...." Jimin said not so sure.

"Y/n dont worry iam coming school from tomorrow we can try together I don't care about jk's dad...I can handle him dont worry." Jimin said assuring Y/n.

"Fine let's do it all I gotta do it make jungkook remember everything....it must be easy right....?" Y/n said.

"Yes be positive Y/n it will happen iam sure!!!!" Jimin said and smiled and they both walked to Y/n's home and jimin said bye and left.

Y/n quickly went to her room cuz she was fully wet and changed her clothes and ate dinner and acted like nothing happened , went to sleep thinking how to make Jungkook remember everything.

[Next day]
As usual Y/n got up and got ready and went out of the house after eating her breakfast.

I went to school and searched for jungkook but her was no where to be found *sigh*

I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulders as I turned back to see Jungkook?????? Am I dreaming is he coming to speak to me???

"Y/n i- iam sorry about yesterday I shouldn't have shouted at you....Pls forgive me..." He said looking sad.

Is he really saying sorry??? Is this even true???

"Ohh that it's fine" I said not looking at him even tho I was kinda angry on him.

"Oh really u forgive me??" He said happy.

"Yeah I do..." I said smiling at him.

Suddenly jungkook hugged Y/n in happiness he himself don't know what's happening to him so he is not in his control.

"Oh hey Y/n" Jimin said as he came by.

"I see I shouldn't disturb you both"
Jimin said and laughed.

"Ah Hyung!!! Why does this feel familiar to me??" Jungkook said looking really confused.

"Cuz u have hugged Y/n already..." Jimin said almost mumbling but they both heard it.

"Have I?.....I do feel familiar near her and her face keeps coming to my mind ever- oh shit" he stopped when he realized that Y/n was right there.

Y/n just chuckled seeing Jungkook remembering things and jimin was so happy.

"Jungkook ah ur remembering everything slowly and iam so happy" jimin said with a smile.

"What am I remembering? What are u talking about Hyung?" Jungkook asked jimin.

Jimin just sighed and said "come with me after school I'll explain everything to you" and "Y/n you too come with us!" "Yeah...why not sure" said Y/n and jungkook also agreed to come with jimin and Y/n.

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