Chapter 2

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Waking up in the morning was scary at first and I didn’t know where I was. I sat up and looked around Perrie did a great job with my room. I smiled as I opened my closet to find my pjs and robe on the hook on the door. I was going to have to text her thanking her. I changed and put on my robe as I walked down to the kitchen. I made my coffee in my Keurig and looked around my flat. The entire group did a good job.  I looked on my fridge and noticed a couple phone numbers posted on it. Niall and Will left their numbers, as did Perrie and Louis. I put their numbers in my phone and sent Niall and Will a text saying they should come over. I was just about to take a sip of coffee when I heard, “Good morning.” I almost screamed when I turned to see Liam leaning on the doorframe in my kitchen. “Oh Liam good morning. I forgot you were here. How did you sleep?” I asked smiling.

“Ha it was good. How about you?” he asked moving into the kitchen.

“Great I am making breakfast.”

“Cool I can go….” He whispered.

“No I meant you’re invited to stay, Niall and Will are coming over too.”

“Ok cool.” He smiled.

“I have coffee if you want some.”

“I’m good I’m not a coffee fan.”

“Really? I love coffee I can’t wake up without it.” I laughed.

“Huh I will have to try it someday.”

“Ok.” I smiled, as there was a knock on my door. I went to open it for Niall and Will, they both hugged me and said, “Good morning.”

“Hey guys!” Liam said walking out and sitting down on the couch.

“Liam?” Niall growled. Will pushed me into the kitchen as Niall practically yelled, “You stayed the night?!”

“In her guest room she was nervous to stay alone it was her first night here. So I offered to stay in the guest room.” He answered calmly as will and I started making breakfast. We couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation as we cooked together.  “So Will do you go on tour with them?”

“Nope so I will be here if you need anything.” He smiled over to me.

“Great. Maybe you could give me a tour of the city?”

“We can arrange that.” He laughed.

“Cool you’re the best.” I laughed as we heard yelling again. “Dude don’t be an ass! Your on you’re the rebound just like me! Crap she is the reason for your break up Liam! Can you honestly say you wont hurt her?” Niall growled again.

“I would try my hardest! Are you trying to tell me you like her too.” Liam asked.

“I don’t know. I feel something for her but I don’t know what it is. “ I heard Niall reply to Liam. I looked at Will and whispered. “Are they talking about me?”

“Yeah.” He sighed.

“Well that’s just silly, we all only just met.” I said trying to smile.

“I know.”

“And they are going on tour again. Plus I just broke it off with my fiancé I am not ready for anything.”

“They don’t need to know that. Just let them be Laur trust me.”


“Plus they leave in a couple days for Australia we will see who comes back on the rebound.”

“Good call.” I smiled scrambling the eggs and adding cheese and bacon. I could hear them talking again.

“We will go to Australia single neither of us will make a play at her.” Liam said.

Strong (A Liam Payne Love Story)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now