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I dont know how I COMPLETELY forgot to mention it because it was like my favorite part about the sword, but mc's blade has dimples like a Santoku knife so that ""debris"" doesnt get stuck to it.

Also i get comments a lot like "who the fresh hell is ozaki" which is literally so valid because ozaki as that one chick that had like 5 seconds of screen time in the mt. natagumo episode that was killed. idk why i chose HER instead of an oc or something, but too late to go back now!

Ozaki stood over the pile of ashes that once was a city of ghosts, a bundle of corpses strung up by some twisted Blood Demon Art. Her sword dangled limply in her twitchy, unfocused grip, and her chest heaved as if she were losing oxygen. Her knees felt weak, her shoulders ached, and she felt heavy bags in the back of her eyes, unshed tears that she wouldn't let fall.

Her hair was messy - even messier than usual, and her skin was covered in soot. Somehow, though, she still managed to stand tall. Balto stood at her side, sniffing worriedly at her injuries.


She turned around slowly, a smile twitching to her defeated lips. She was so tired.

"Ozaki are you alright?"

Your face. It was so caring and gentle, so worried. Worried about her. You looked so pretty with your back to the diminishing flames, with your hair a mess and your jacket wrapped around your waist. Wow, she thought, when did you become so... vibrant?

"Ozaki, please answer me."

She blinked, she was so dizzy, but she nodded. You smiled in relief. "You need some rest. Sleep, I can carry you to safety." She wanted to protest. However, the way you looked at her was so tender and kind. You gently placed your bear in her arms - Yogi she thinks his name was? - and wrapped your arms around her legs and back. She gasped. You were so strong.

You gave her a strained smile. Ozaki felt guilty, you were hurt, too, after all you were the one to defeat the demon, but you still held on. It was admirable. She slowly closed her eyes and rested her head against your chest. She was so tired. Maybe a nap wouldn't hurt.


When Ozaki woke up, she was shocked to feel a doctor probing at her injuries. You sat to the side, a relieved smile on your face. "You're awake. That's good."

"Where am I?"

"You're in a wisteria house. You're going to stay here and rest up for the next few days. Balto will keep an eye on you."

"What about you?"

You sighed and stood up. You had a few bandages wrapped around your cuts, but other than that, you stood strong. "I'm going to go on my next mission." Ozaki's expression fell. "Why can't you stay here? You're hurt, too, are you not?" You wilted. "I am, but I can go on. I don't want to stop until I physically can't keep going."

Ozaki looked to the ground. She felt weird around you. She felt butterflies when you looked at her, what was this? She's never felt this way about a girl before.

You smiled sadly and pressed something into her hands. It was your hairclip, it was in the shape of a fluffy, cute cloud, a style she'd never seen before. "We'll meet again, alright? And when we do, you can return that to me." You were so close, so pretty. Ozaki hadn't even noticed that the doctor left the room, she was so entranced by your smile. She returned the expression slowly, sadly.

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