Chapter Twenty Eight- I Write Sins Not Tragedies

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"Sasuke, what do you like most about me?" I had asked the question a few weeks ago, back when everything was still all right. I rolled onto my stomach and gazed up at him.

He glanced at me briefly, before continuing his staring match with the ceiling.

"Why do you ask?" he had replied, causing me to frown.

"I'm just curious as to why someone like you chose someone like me." I mumbled, resting my head on his stomach and tucking my legs into myself- I now laid on my side.

His gaze flickered back to mine again, a hint of annoyance in their depths from what had once been serenity. "What do you mean by that?"

I frowned- he knew exactly what I meant by it; there were tonnes of girls that were prettier, nicer, and stronger kunoichis than I was, so why me? Why the scrawny, crazy, jutsu-less moron that was me? If I had huge boobs like our new Hokage, maybe I could understand it... but I didn't. I was as flat as a boy.

I chewed on my lip, folding my arms between my chin and his stomach. He narrowed one eye at me.

"Look. You're kind, caring, cute, funny, and more than a little insane," I scowled at him slightly, but he just smirked, "But more importantly, you're the only one that I want. So stop being so self-deprecating, bakayaro."

Only Sasuke could call me a Moron so fondly... it was rather strange.

Still not satisfied, I crawled up to snuggle into his side, his arm moving to accommodate me.

"But what's your favourite thing?" I pressed, then smiled, "I'll tell you mine about you if you tell me yours."

He rolled his eyes, "I don't want to hear about that, baka." he sighed, but his eyes were fond as he continued, "If I had to decide, I would say your hair and your eyes. There, happy?"

I grinned, and nodded, "Your eyes are my favourite part of you, too." I said softly, "And your smile. The true smile... that I only see you do around me."

The corners of his lips pulled up, but in a smirk, "That's because you're the only person worthy of seeing it."

I had laughed, and smacked him playfully, scolding him for sounding conceited.

I wondered, as I watched Kakashi make chase of Sasuke, what had brought that memory to the forefront of my mind. I rubbed my forehead and sighed, re-forming my grip on my crutches and hobbling away. Sakura remained, too stunned to move.

"Rawr!" this one was only a day or so ago.

Sasuke caught me and swung me up into his arms as I jumped at him, having thrown my crutches to the side, and rose his eyebrows, "Rawr?"

"Rawr." I affirmed, nodding my head. Amusement sparkled in those onyx eyes that I loved so much.

"And what does 'rawr' mean, exactly?" I giggled with closed eyes, then leaned in and pecked his lips gently.

"Rawr means 'I love you' in dinosaur!" I informed him happily, and he gave me his award-winning smile.

"Well, in that case, rawr, to you too." he said, but then his eyes trailed downwards. "Though I do sometimes wonder about your mental health..."

"What?!" I exclaimed, "It's relevant!" I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck, "And cuddly!"

Sasuke appraised my dinosaur onesie and moment longer, before beginning to walk again. I blinked.

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now