A Smile to Hide Compatibility Chart

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I will put this (as simply put as possible of course) in A Smile to Hide, but I thought it might also be beneficial to have it in as much detail here so you all can see why keeping track of every point is important. The chart below entail the points given for each character depending on what "fate" has chosen for you, or which character you chose to end up with if you want to go against fate. The points are based mostly on your personality. Below the chart has details for what kind of person the love interest would want, and, based on that, I dubbed whether the other love interests would like or dislike this sort of person, scaling it from zero (absolutely hates you) to four (absolutely loves you).

 Below the chart has details for what kind of person the love interest would want, and, based on that, I dubbed whether the other love interests would like or dislike this sort of person, scaling it from zero (absolutely hates you) to four (absolu...

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ZANDRA: Clipped. Lets her talk just because, but is truthful and gets straight to the point. Can follow whatever she says.

BALA: Needs to feel like he can be trusted and depended on. Not necessarily clingy, but doesn't mind asking him for favors or help.

CASH: Wants someone who won't pull their punches just because of "fate." Doesn't want to be controlled.

IONA: Softer. Feminine. It's to tone her wild streak down just a bit.

KALLAN: Needs someone to let her make her own decisions, and to take the lead every once in a while. Mutual understanding and doesn't mind sharing.

MARKUS: Needs someone who will allow for him to be more truthful and to take a chance with him without judgment and doesn't let first impressions stop from getting to know him.

SAVVY: Jokester, but knows when things have gone too far, and isn't afraid to tell him to cool it.

VARICK: There is beauty in learning, so he likes people who like to learn. Asks a lot of questions without malicious intent.


Towards the end of the story, you'll be asked to do a bit of math in order to gauge whether or not you're "Lover" material for one or more of the characters, whether or not you decide to go against fate. In the chart below is an example showing the tally count you scored for each character:  

ZANDRA:        22
BALA:              24
CASH:             3
IONA:              16
KALLAN:         35
MARKUS:       57
SAVVY:           14
VARICK:          41

TOTAL:            212

Now, let's say you want to hook up with Zandra. Look at the first chart, and multiply each score in accordance to the number. Of course Zandra/Zandra, you would multiply 22 with 4, but in Bala, you would multiply 24 with 3, Cash would be to multiply 3 with 1 and so on in Zandra's row or column. But if you wanted to hook up with any of the other characters, you just look up the column or row and follow the numbers in the chart. You don't have to do the math for every character, you only have to do it for the character you want, or was chosen for you but you're always welcome to do it for everyone.

ZANDRA: 22(4) + 24(3) + 3(1) + 16(0) + 35(2) + 57(1) + 14(3) + 41(2) =
88 + 72 + 3 + 0 + 70 + 57 + 42 + 82 = 414

BALA: 22(3) + 24(4) + 3(0) + 16(3) + 35(2) + 57(2) + 14(1) + 41(1) =
66 + 96 + 0 + 48 + 70 + 114 + 14 + 41 = 435

CASH: 22(1) + 24(0) + 3(4) + 16(2) + 35(1) + 57(3) + 14(3) + 41(2) =
22 + 0 + 12 + 32 + 35 + 171 + 42 + 82 = 396

IONA: 22(0) + 24(3) + 3(2) + 16(4) + 35(3) + 57(1) + 14(2) + 41(1) =
0 + 72 + 6 + 64 + 105 + 57 + 28 + 41 = 373

KALLAN: 22(2) + 24(2) + 3(1) + 16(3) + 35(4) + 57(0) + 14(1) + 41(3) =
44 + 48 + 3 + 48 + 140 + 0 + 14 + 123 = 420

MARKUS: 22(1) + 24(2) + 3(3) + 16(1) + 35(0) + 57(4) + 14(2) + 41(3) =
22 + 48 + 9 + 16 + 0 + 228 + 28 + 123 = 474

SAVVY: 22(3) + 24(1) + 3(3) + 16(2) + 35(1) + 57(2) + 14(4) + 41(0) =
66 + 24 + 9 + 32 + 35 + 114 + 56 + 0 = 336

VARICK: 22(2) + 24(1) + 3(2) + 16(1) + 35(3) + 57(3) + 14(0) + 41(4) =
44 + 24 + 6 + 16 + 140 + 171 + 0 + 164 = 568

Now that you've done the hard part, now comes the easiest part. You take the total from the second chart, and multiply it by four because that would be the absolute maximum amount of points anyone could get--which would be highly unlikely because that meant you chose one character throughout the entire story for every single multiple choice sets you read through--and this will give you the denominator.

In this example's case your denominator would be 212 x 4 = 848.

Now you take the number you achieved from the character and divide that by the denominator. Again, you don't have to do this for every single character, but if you want to, you can. If you don't know how to convert the number given into a percentage, all you have to do is move the decimal point two places to the right.

ZANDRA: 414 / 848 = 0.488 → 48.8% Which rounds up to 49% 

BALA: 435 / 848 = 0.512 → 51.2% Which rounds up to 51%

CASH: 396 / 848 = 0.466 → 46.6% Which rounds up to 47%

IONA: 373 / 848 = 0.439 → 43.9% Which rounds up to 44%

KALLAN: 420 / 848 = 0.495 → 49.5% Which rounds up to 50%

MARKUS: 474 / 848 = 0.558 → 55.8% Which rounds up to 56%

SAVVY: 336 / 848 = 0.396 → 39.6% Which rounds up to 40%

VARICK: 568 / 848 = 0.669 → 66.9% Which rounds up to 70%

Now look at the chart below and see where you stand with each character.

ENEMIES:        0% - 25%
BUSINESS:        26% - 50%
FRIENDSHIP:        51% - 75%
LOVERS:        76% - 100%

Enemies means that the character can't stand you and don't even know why they hung out with you for so long. They want nothing to do with you, and would be happy to never see you again.

Business means that they tolerate you, but their toleration is quite short. They don't mind you, and are quite neutral about you, but would prefer not to spend much time with you unless necessary.

Friendship means that they love you, but only in a friends sort of way. There is no way that they would want your friendship to become love. Sorry. Close but no cigar.

Lovers means that they love you and want the world for you. Yay! As for what each character defines as "love," that depends on the character. Believe it or not, there are many forms of love, and this doesn't just include sexual orientation.

ZANDRA: Business

BALA: Friendship

CASH: Business

IONA: Business

KALLAN: Business

MARKUS: Friendship

SAVVY: Business

VARICK: Friendship

No love, but no enemies either. Which is good. For the most part.

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