Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 

"There was a farmer who had a dog, 

And Bingo was his name-O. 




And Bingo was his name-O"

Over and over again the chant floats through the trailer park. Bobby Downey and Christine, Kim's daughter, are playing hopscotch in the cul de sac at the back end of the trailer park. I'm sticking my head out from behind a trailer about fifty yards away. I came through here on patrol, figuring that since the vampires had some success here, they might come back. 

The sky is spitting out a thin mist of iced rain that is bouncing off of my hat and gortex jacket. Bobby is wearing the clothes he was supposed to be buried in and Christina is still in her pajamas. If these kids were alive they would freeze to death. 

The light of one of the mobile homes flashes on and a door flies open. "Shut up you stupid brats. We're trying to sleep in here," A person, with slurred speech, yells down the street.  

Great some drunken idiot, who is so wasted that he forgets these vampires are in town, is going to get himself killed. I jump out from behind the trailer and run over to the person. "Get back inside," I order him. 

He's an older man, holding a beer. He has a flat top buzz cut and is wearing a maroon bath robe with a tee shirt underneath. "I can't sleep. Those two kids haven't shut up in over an hour. Where the hell are their parents?" 

"I don't know, but you need to go inside. I already called for backup. They'll be here any second." 

"Are you going to get them to be quiet?" 

"Yes, I'll get them to stop. Now, go back inside and turn off your lights. " 

"If they don't stop making noise, I'm coming back out here and I'll make them shut up." 

"Sir, you really don't want to do that. Go inside and let us take care of this." 

He points off to the kids' general direction. "You need backup to take care of some little kids?" He stops and stares down the road. "They're gone." 

I lift my flashlight and scan the area. Crap they probably heard us.  

"You aren't much of a Sheriff if you need me to come outside and chase away some kids," he says as he slamming his door. 

I take my flashlight and slowly make my way back to where Christina and Bobby were. Damn, I had them cornered. I just needed everyone else to come here and we could have taken them out. Now I don't even know where they went. Maybe they went away. I really didn't want to have to hurt these kids anyway. No, I have to keep focused. No matter what they might look like, those things will kill me and everyone else in this town. I can't let their appearance fool me. That's what they want.  

I walk towards the area where they were and feel the gravel road crush underneath my feet. My breath is freezing in the air and my heart kicks off and beats through my bulletproof vest. My hands are sweating underneath my thick gloves.  

I make my way to the outer edge of the community. It is a rounded end of the road with a forest behind it. I shine the light into the dark woods. As I'm going from right to left, I hear a branch snap on my far left. I point the flashlight in its direction, but I can't see anything. I take a few steps forward and hear a window being shut behind me. I spin around in that direction. 

It's like all of my senses have been heightened and I can feel everything around me. The wind from the plains that sit below the mountains blows a strong gust of wind that whips and screams through the trees.  

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