The End

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Alternate Ending Part 7

Author's note:

To my beautiful readers,

I fear our time of transcendence is nearing its close as this will be the last and final installment of Her Name Wasn't Wendy.

I am so thankful to all of you who have continually read along and I hope that Zemira's story will always be with you.


Prepare yourself.

The story of Zemira will grip you on the edge of your seat until its bitter end.

Take a breath and ready yourself to dive into Never Land for the last time . . .


You're Author: Elizabeth Freeman


Month's passed since Zemira's mind had been medaled with. She spent her days with Pan, but even as their relationship blossomed, her nights were spent pondering Hook and his mysterious allure. Sleep would come late and she would dream of his story and how she knew him. Her mind was forever unrested. Pan had noticed and was worried for her. Even if he could give her back her memories, he not only didn't want to but he couldn't undue the spell. He just tried to ease her as much as he could.

Hook couldn't rest. He could hardly breathe a minute without crying out in frustration over his predicament. He had been so close . . . then she was just gone. He was a wreck. It took all of him not to race over to her cove and wrap her in his arms and tell her all that she had missed. But that would never end well. Instead he was stuck in torment, seeing her, talking to her, but never knowing her.


It was a cool day in the cove. The Breeze was chilled more than usual and clouds darkened the skies. Pan had come to her early that morning saying that he had to take care of the some of the things before the storm hit Neverland. Pan had looked unnerved as he stared at the oncoming storm. He expressed how the island never had been hit by storms. But the worry didn't reach Zemira as she watched the palm trees sway in the wind.

She had been up all night thinking about Hook. Over time everything ate away at her connection to him. Pan had told her not to see him. He had told her to forget him. But saying these things only made her more curious.

The wind had gotten to her today. The island decided to rebel against what was normal and cause a storm. This gave her the confidence to rebel against what Pan told her.

This was the day that she would find him.

The rain poured as she began the long trek to where the ship was anchored. She was no idea where exactly it was but she figured that it was somewhere off the beach. She would find it somehow.

Her long brown hair turned black by the water that drenched her whole body. The rain made her clothes stick to her like a second skin. She tried to use the island's magic to get a raincoat but something was stopping her. What was stopping the magic, she knew not. But she kept walking in the sand with rain coming down all around her. The dark sky and rain should have put her in a bad mood, but she held her head high because she knew she was walking toward answers. Why could she not get him out of her head? Why was it that every time she closed her eyes his face greeted her? Why did she almost call Pan, Hook because she felt so familiar with his name? Why did she feel so gloomy and hopeless?

Answers, they were coming.


Hook looked out the window of his cabin and watched the rain streak down the glass. His heart beat picked up. Fear rumbled in his mind like the thunder outside. In all of his years of being trapped on the island it had never rained like this. ever. Why would it happen now?

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