Alternate Ending Part 5

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Zermira brought the cup to her lips and began tipping it back. Pan smiled eagerly trying to hide the hesitation in the back of his mind. The figure burst into the room.



Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

Hook barreled into the room, praying with all his heart that he had made it in time. He saw the bright moon shining through the hole in the top of the cave and looked around frantically. That was when he saw Zemira. She held the cup in her hands, Pan smiled gleefully beside her. Hook knew that if she drank a single drop of the potion Zemira would be lost forever.

He shouted for her to stop. He slowed his sprint so that he stopped only a few feet from the pair, sliding to a halt.

Zemira's eyes widened and her head snapped to the side so she could see him. She looked at him like the world had fallen back into place. She was stunned that she dropped the goblet to the floor and the liquid spilled everywhere. Hook smiled, his heart lifting. He had saved her. She wouldn't lose everything.

"Hook?" she said unbelievably. Her beautiful blue eyes shone in the moonlight. The long black locks and white dress reminded him of their night on the deck in the moon light. He yearned to embrace her, to run his hand through her hair and tell her that he would never leave her again.

"Zemira," Hook said with as much love as his voice would allow without cracking. She smiled at him with relief and joy. As much as they both wanted to run to each other they were stuck in unbelief. They both began to tear up. In a stolen moment they looked at one another. Hook could have stayed like that forever. But fate had something else in mind.

Then suddenly her pupils dilated and her body shook. Hook stopped, his smile fell in fear of what was happening. Pan grabbed her arms to steady her, making her face him once more. Hook was paralyzed and couldn't stop him. She squeezed her eyes shut.

It felt like the entire world was ending.

When she opened her eyes, Hook watched as her iris's shifted and changed. Instead of turning back to Hook, she looked up into Pan's eyes. She smiled sweetly, as if they had all the time in the world.

"I think it worked," Pan said softly, his eyes flitted around her, as if searching for a change.

"What worked?" Zemira asked curiously. Pan grinned. Hook's heart plummeted.

"Nothing," Pan said. Suddenly Zemira leaned up and kissed Pan, full on the lips. Hook stumbled back in complete horror. It felt like someone, namely Pan, had dug through his skin and ripped out his heart. He landed on the floor. Zemira broke the kiss and looked around for the noise of Hook's stumble, a frown of confusion shown on her face.

"Pan, what are we doing here?" she asked, then her eyes swept over Hook lightly then continued their trek around the room. This hurt more. She didn't recognize him at all. Hook could have been one of the lost boys for all she cared. Pan followed her gaze and smiled triumphantly when she passed Hook by.

"Oh, we were just comforting this pirate," Pan explained. Zemira looked back to Hook in confusion, "See he just lost the war." Pan smiled cruelly down at Hook who knew that he had indeed lost the war.

"What war?" Zemira asked turning to Pan. Pan looked at her as he responded.

"The war of the heart, my Sweet," then he sealed the deal with a kiss on her lips.

Then Pan picked her up wedding style as she laughed giddily. He carried her out of the room and the pack of Lost Boys followed behind them. Hook was left staring at the spot where he had seen their lips meet. He couldn't breathe.

This was worse. Much, much worse than her being dead. He had to go on living while she had no idea who he was.

His heart broke.

Although, soon it was sewn back together with threads of anger.

Hook stood up angrily and went to one of the window that looked out onto the water. He watched as Pan and Zemira got into a boat and began heading to shore. They were both smiling like fools in the moonlight. Hook's hair was a dark mess and his clothes were in tatters from running through brush. He looked like a wild man as he stared angrily down at them.

Pan would pay for this. He stole her memories of him. Pan did. Pan stole HIS Zemira away. And Hook would not rest until he broke the spell. Or break Pan's neck. Hook was not clear on the order the events. But they would happen.

As the boat moved magically back to the island Hook vowed. And he planned. And he was making ready to change this island for the better. Hook didn't do this for power, money, or pleasure. He did it for love that was stolen from him.

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