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Dedicated to PhoenixFlame1994 for being that awesome friend everyone needs!


efore you read:

This is set after the Will You Marry Me oneshots. Here, Keefe's little sister is already born- she's around 2 years or so. Keefe and Sophie are still engaged- due to the Elvin lifespan, they have been taking it slow. So yeah, that's about everything you need to know before proceeding. Happy reading:)

"Here ya go, sweetie"

Sophie fixed the little girl's hat, handing her the broomstick.

"Thank you, Faw-ser" said the baby, making grabby hands at her.

She smiled at the darling girl in front of her, swooping her up in her arms, eliciting a delighted squeal from her.

"Faw-ser! Yay!"

"C'mon, let's get you to your brother, okay? He's waiting"

"Keefe can wait a bit more" she pouted.

Sophie laughed, "As much as I would love to do that and spend time with you, Novalee, we have to go- we'll meet Biana as well!"

"Aunt Bi?"

"Yeah- Aunt Bi"

Her face lit with excitement, " let's go Faw-ser! I wanna go!"

"Okay, okay little devil, let's go"

Sophie tickled Novalee a bit, walking out the room when she slammed into a muscular chest.

"Oof" grunted Keefe, rubbing his chest, "Way to go, girls"

"Whoops- sorry, Keefe. Did not see you there"

"Obviously" he deadpanned.

Rolling her eyes, Sophie shoved him playfully, as Novalee laughed at their antics.

"Aww my little sister is looking so precious" he cooed, stroking the baby's cheek, admiring her witch outfit.

"You make an adorable witch, ya know, Novalee?"

She giggled in Sophie's arms, "Thank you Keefe! But what about Faw-ser? She looks pretty, too!"

That was when Keefe's eyes properly took in his fiancée's appearance.

He seemed as if he couldn't take his eyes off of her- she looked beautiful.

A goddess, for him.

She was absolutely breathtaking, and starkingly stunning.

"Take a picture, Sencen- it'll last longer" she sassed.

"Wow-I-um-just-wow. You look gorgeous, Foster"

"Thank you! You look amazing, too" she smiled.

Looking at her alicorn onesie, Keefe couldn't help but grin at his own- they both had chosen complementing onesies for Halloween this year.

He brought her close to himself, tightening his arms around her waist, slightly tickling Novalee's chin, as they both erupted into soft giggles.

"I love both of you girls so much" he grinned.

"We love you too, Keefe"

"So, are we ready to go to that party?"

"Yay! Let's go, Faw-ser!"

"Okay then, c'mon darling"

Going downstairs, Sophie saw that the whole beach house was decorated by Lord Hunkyhair- cobwebs, drawings, skeletons and Jack-o- lanterns hung everywhere.

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