Chapter 6 - Two Days

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Hey Loves!!! Hope you are enjoying this? You don't comment or vote so I wouldn't have any idea! Please comment and vote!!!! Also @MrsStyles9210 is my Harry babe so thanks to her! <3 <3 .xxx

Louis POV

I got out of the shower and into my clothes for work again tonight...... NOOOOO I really can't be bothered. I am thinking today I should ask Harry if he wanted to plan to come out this way? Do you think I should? I just can't decide. Hmm not looking to bad Lou, I got into my red chinos and a blue and white striped shirt with my TOMs. 

I grabbed some fruit and got back to the computer.. Imagine my internet bill ahh let's not even think about that.

You: I'm baaaack! Did you miss me?

Stranger: mm hmm. :)

You: I bet you missed my sexyness.. ;)

Stranger: harry jr is all better ;) ...we both missed you

You: Louis Jr had some sorting time in the shower :)

Stranger: mmmm. Fuck

You: If only you were here to take care of him... :(

Stranger: i'd love to ;)

You: I was thinking... Look if you don't want to I understand. Uhh are you free next week? did you want to come stay for the weekend?

Stranger: I'm totally free and I'd love to come!

You: Seriously?

Stranger: yeah!

You: Well umm oh my god... my number is 568-2467

stranger: i'll call you ;)

You: Oh my god I'm freaking out now!

Stranger: aww why? :)

You: What if you hate talking to me?

Stranger: i would never hate that! Bet your voice is sexy, too ;)

You: Fine...... I am gonna sound stupid.

Stranger: nah! Gotta be better than mine. It's deep, kinda raspy, and slow...

You: Sounds amazing! Alright you can call!

What have I done? Harry is about to call me.... ALFKJ What do I do? How do I make my voice sound sexy? How do I not stutter... Oh my god HELP! This is just like ahh I am freaking ou-... 

Ring,Ring Ring,Ring


Harry: *calls*

Louis: Hello?

Harry: Louis? It's Harry...

Louis: Oh my god, Hiiii Harry.

Harry: DO sound sexy. I was totally right!

Louis: and you're just as forward on the phone as you are via chat... I wish I was the same..

Harry: Aww. I like you just the way you are, LouBear.

Louis: And I like you Harry. God I'm so awkward haha

Harry: nooo. You are PERFECT.

Louis: You're such a sweetie

Harry: mmmm. Thank you!

Louis: Your welcome babe

Harry: so. My it gross?

Louis: Your voice is fucking sex...

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