Chapter 8

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Dan's POV:

I quickly sprint out of school looking for Phil. I've finally gathered enough courage to ask him for his number.

Platonically of course.

I look around and easily spot him with Louise and... is that Matt?
Ay, I haven't seen him in ages!
I jog to them but stop when I feel a hand grab the back of my neck.
//casually puts in Macklemore song references//
" Daniel" a deep voice says.
I slightly shiver but turn around in time to see a big blond man and his Hulk sized fist. I hit the floor with a thump.
The last thing I remember is Louise rushing to me before everything turns dark.

I quickly open my eyes and am met with a blinding light.
Am I dead?
As if right on cue someone comes in through .. a door?
To be honest I expected Heaven to be.. well...Heavenly-er.
" Dan? Are you awake?" Louise asks as she makes her way towards my bed.
" Yes but at what cost?" I groan as I cover my eyes with my arm.
I open my eyes as soon as I feel something wet touch my arm.
I look at it and notice its blood.
Before I can complain to Louise about my nose having a period, I notice that this room sure as hell isn't mine. Its bright blue and has a ton of posters. Why hello Uma Thurman.
" Wait. Where the hell am I?" I ask Louise
Before I get an answer, Phil pops out and hands me a waterbottle.
I don't hesitate to take it since I'm thristy as hell. In more ways than one.
Phil suddenly starts blabbering about what happened in a simple matter so even with this headache I would understand.
" So in short, I'm sorry! They punched you all because I assumed Anthony and Ian were gay. Ops."
He looks down at his lap as he starts... blushing?
Oh right, embarrassment.
Louise coughs as to say ' Earth to Dan' and I quickly answer back.
" N-No it's ok! I mean, I was pretty sure they were gay up until like this moment." I stumble out.
Not making this better Daniel.
To my suprise, Phil gives me a grin.

I spend some more time with Phil, Louise, and Matt until they're sure I can make it home without being kidnapped by angry straight Teenage boys.
" Wait. If he's not 100% better, I can walk him home" Phil says.
Oh goodness me.
" Would you like that Dan?" Matt asks with a smile. " Uh well, I- uh- yeah, sure."

A couple minutes later, after talking about everything and nothing, Phil and I arrive at my house.
I've never wanted a day not to end as much as this one.
" So, uh, bye" I mumble as I jog up to mt porch.
" Wait Dan!" Phil suddenly half yells.
I turn around and smile.
" Yes?" I ask rather confidently.
" C-Can I have your number? I mean, like if-"
" Shhh Phil. I'll give it to you" that's what she said.
After exchanging numbers and awkward cute smiles, I enter my house and slide down the door.
I feel like my face is on fire.
I skip up the stairs and head toward the bathroom.
I take a glance at the mirror and notice that the bruise on my nose is rather small.
Doesn't make it any less painful though.
After my little mirror admiring, I throw myself on my bed and take out my phone.
I text my parents asking them how their vacation is going.
I then go on twitter and check if Phil has tweeted anything new ( like in a totally non-stalker-ish way) and notice he has.
It's not a sentence thought. It's simply the brown haired boy emoji.
~~~~ 2 am ~~~~
* beep boop*
I blindly look for my phone as a groan escapes my lips.
Who the hell could it be at this hour?
I unlock my phone and notice its a tweet alert.
' Can't sleep. Those eyes are etched into my skull'
I re-read the tweet over and over.
Oh my gosh.
Phil Lester has a crush.

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