Chapter 5

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Phil's POV:

I put down my phone as I collapse on the bed. I was in such a rush to make and edit my video that I forgot all about my homework.
After a hardy day of doing nothing, I'm pretty tired. I can either sleep or do my homework.
The answer is obvious so I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep.
~~~Next morning~~~~
I'm woken up by some strange birds making noises. I cover my head with my pillow as the sudden realization hits me. Thats not a bird ...that's my alarm clock!!!
I quickly get up and check the time. 7:37am
I stumble out of bed and grab the pants that are nearest to me.
By the time I'm done getting ready, it's already 7:51 am.
I go down the stairs and get my backpack not forgetting to pack my newly made lunch by my wonderful mom. I wonder at what times she's getting home today. I didn't get to see her yesterday because of her extra shift at the bank.

I arrive just in time for school but am still considered late.
I sigh as I get to home room and sit down next to .... Hand Towell? D-D-.... Dan! Yeah him. " Good Morning" he smiles at me. I awkwardly smile back at Dan but stop as I hear the teacher yell something. " Alright you brats, who the hell didn't finish their homework!?" Miss Ann practically screams.
Oh gosh, I wouldn't wanna get on her bad side.
I gulp so loud that I think half of the class has hear me. Its my third day at school and I'm already going to get a detention.
Nice one Phil.
I look around sweating so much that a kid can practically swim in my body fluids.
Ew poor kid.
I erase those thoughts from my mind as I decide I have to tell Miss. Ann the truth. I slowly raise my hand, fearing for my life.
" Here" Dan says as he hands me some papers... his homework! I almost cry tears of joy!
Dan raises his hand as I clutch his papers in my hands.
" Howell! You didn't do it?" Miss Ann asks. " No ma'm" my Prince Charming replies.
" Detention on Saturday at 7am!"
I give him a glance that gives him a million apologies. He simply gives me a small smile but it feels like God had personally chosen me to be the Master of all Pokémon.
I stand up about to turn in the work when I remember to change the name.
Whoa, that was a close one.
I quickly erase ' Dan Howell' and replace it with ' Phil Lester'.
If we had a child I'd name them Wolf.
I smirk to myself as I hand in 'my papers' to Miss Ann.
" Phillip" she says. " This work is not completed."
My jaw drops so low that I can feel it dancing with Shawnee.
I look at Dan in horror.
Have I been.. trolled!?
Dan gives me a face of equal surprise that probably means that he didn't know. I turn back to Miss Ann as she says " I was going to cut you some slack but since you didn't raise your hand when I told you too.. detention is on Saturday at 7am"
I feel my stomach drop.
How am I supposed to explain to mom!?
~~~~ After class~~~~
I sadly sigh as I get up and stuff my books into my backpack. " Phil, I'm sooooooo sorry! I forgot about my homework and instead of helping you, I got you in deeper shit and I-" Dan rambles before I interrupt him. " Dan, Dan, it's ok! I swear" I try my best to smile.
I walk towards the door but not before I hear the teacher say " Detention is on Saturday honey". I shiver as I look back at Miss. Ann shooting daggers to my back.
I pay no attention to any of my classes afterwards fearing for what Saturday will bring.
~~~~ After School ~~~~
Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh.
My hands are sweaty and everything keeps slipping out of my grasp.
This is the first detention I've ever had! My mom is going to get so angry that I'll be kicked out and have to be part of the circus to survive while having to consume drugs until I die at the sad age of 71 while- " Phil!" I hear someone interrupt my thoughts.
I turn around to see that the voice belonged to none other than Dan Howell.
" Stop chewing your nails, they're starting to bleed" he says as he suddenly pulls my left hand away from my mouth.
I quickly pull my hand out of his grasp as my face flushes red. I wipe my hands on my pants as unconsciously as possible.
" O-Oh s-sorry! I didn't mean to.."
"It's - it's fine " I interrupt him for the second time this day.
" Yeah so um bye" I awkwardly say as I moonwalk away.

'What is Phan?'Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon