Chapter 4

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Dan's POV:

I keep looking for Phil but it seems he's not here?

I feel like a lost puppy right now.

I'm already sitting at my usual table.

I sigh as I turn around to face away from the cafeteria doors.


Maybe he didn't like me.

Maybe he was creeped out when I accidentally gave him ' heart eyes'.

Maybe he didn't like my hobbit hair?!

" Dan" I hear someone calling.

" What?" I ask as I turn around one last time. "

Phil isn't here, chill" I hear Chris say.

" You don't know that" I mumble.

I continue looking around until I hear the familiar sound of a lunch bell signaling that lunch has ended.

Damn it.

I spot Phil in the hallway when I'm about to go to Maths. I decide against saying hi when I notice he's glaring at everyone while clutching a notebook like its a new born baby deer made of gold that's covered in unicorn barf.

Maybe he's constipated 

I mean, he does have a weird ass look on his face.

* Brrrrriinng* //my amazing school bell impression//

Fuck! I'm late!

I sprint to class not being bothered to look back at the constipated YouTube star.

▪~~~~~ After School ~~~~~▪

" Dude and Dudet, wanna hang out?" I call out to Pj and Chris as I make my way towards them. " Ha ha" Chris fake laughs as he flips me off.

Drama Queen I tell ya.

"  Wanna hang out?" I ask once more.

" Uh sorry Dan. Peej and I are kinda busy right now. Maybe tomorrow" Chris blushes.


" What are you doing?" I smirk.

" O- Oh just the usual" Peej says as he avoids eye contact. I raise my eyebrow but don't question further.

" Well ok, have fun " I wink.

Chris glares at me as Pj continues looking at the floor.

Around 38 minutes later,I'm laying on my bed bored to death. I could do my homework but I mean, how the hell is that fun? I decide to go on Tumblr instead.

Before I know it, I'm being called to dinner. Ugh stupid internet being all interesting and stuff. I close my laptop as I make my way downstairs.

I quickly finish my meal and go back upstairs to do my homework.

20 minutes in, I hear a *bing*.

I quickly stumble out of bed and go to my desk. I sit down waiting in anticipation for my computer to load.

As soon as it loads, I smile.

'Amazingphil has uploaded a video'

I click it quickly as I make myself comfortable in my chair.

" Hi guys" The video starts.

After around 1 hour of stalking Phil


I exit out of Google and continue doing my homework.

* Bring Bring*

Ughh its like the gods don't want me to do work.

Not that I have a problem with that. ( ͡ °͜ ʖ ͡° )

I get up and go to the bathroom where ny phone is charging. I unlock it eager to get back to work.

Procrastination isn't your best friend when you have a 5 page paper due tomorrow.

I almost drop my phone in the sink.

My mouth is wide open in suprise and fear.




I reread and reread the notification over and over.

I cant believe my eyes.

'Amazingphil has followed you on twitter'

Hello. I'm sorry this chapter was late,,, I was hella busy yesterday. Idk what I'm even making of this phanfic but I hope you like it. Thanks for reading!  ( uvu)

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