Chapter 14: Jana

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Jana's POV

Imara had me running around the city all night, chasing some rogue Wolfblood. I managed to catch him but it took a few hours. By the time I get home, everyone is already in bed. Carys has tidied up the whole flat, I tried to find my stocking but I think she's put that away too. When I go into my room Carys is already asleep. I really want to cuddle up to her but I know her too well. I can tell that something has upset her, she does this thing where she curls up her toes and grinds her teeth in her sleep, only when something's wrong though. I could wake her up and ask her, but I know she's still pretty tired, and tomorrow's Christmas Eve so we all need to be wide awake for the day of fun I have planned. Hopefully, Imara won't call me into work again.

Emilia comes in to wake us up in the morning. I was hoping to wake everyone up to the smell of bacon but I guess I'm pretty exhausted. Instead, Matei's cooking for all of us.

"Come on, it's Christmas Eve!" Emilia's really in the Christmas spirit today, I guess she's just really trying to stay on the positive side of things. She tries her best to drag us out of bed and we all go out into the kitchen. Matei serves us each a big plate of food for breakfast.

"So Jana, what's the plan for today?" Emilia asks.

"Well, I thought we could go down to Winter Wonderland and ride the ferris wheel and the carousel and have hot chocolates and the whole shebang, and then come back here for board games?"

"Oh cool, I've never been on any rides before," Emilia digs in.

"You up for it Carys?" I ask, she's away with the fairies.

"Huh? Oh right, yeah should be fun," she picks at her food, there's definitely something wrong.

"I hate to be a killjoy, but I feel kind of sick, is it cool if I just hang out here today?" Matei says. He seems a bit miserable too.

"Come on Matei, it's Christmas Eve!" Emilia begs.

"Nah, I really don't feel so good, sorry guys," he walks off back to Katrina's room, not before giving Carys a weird look, she doesn't notice it. Maybe they had a fight last night or something.

"I'm just gonna go outside for some air," Carys leaves her full plate of food behind.

"Do you want me to-" She shuts the door behind her, "Come with you?"

"Maybe she's got what Matei's got," Emilia says.

"I don't think either of them is ill, something's wrong. What was Matei like this morning?"

"I don't know, I guess he was kind of weird. But last night, I don't know."


"Well after you left, he helped me get into bed and stuff and he started to cry and he said it was just because he missed our parents, but I don't know maybe something more is going on."

"What about Carys? Did you notice her acting weird at all?"

"I went to bed pretty much straight after you left but I did hear her crying too. Do you think they maybe got into an argument or something?"

"I don't know, I feel like she would have told me by now. I'm actually quite worried, I'll go out and talk to her.

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