Chapter 8: Jana

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Jana's POV

The glass shatters around my feet and water splashes everywhere as I look down on the floor by the window, which is wide open, there's a pool of blood. Carys is gone. The first thing I do is run to the window, even though we're two stories up, there's no sign of her on the ground. I sniff around, the smell of blood overpowers everything but I can still smell Carys, and someone else. Ingrid. I run out of the room and sprint to the canteen to find Rhydian, if anyone can find her it's him.

"Rhydian, she's gone!" I shout to the Canteen, Rhydian, Maddy and Matei all immediately run after me, I lead them to her room for them to see the mess that Ingrid left. They smell her too. "We have to go after them!"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Ingrid's dangerous," Maddy says.

"Exactly, that's why we need to go now!"

"Maddy's right, we should tell Segolia and let them handle this, we can't risk getting hurt ourselves Jana." Rhydian says as he tries to stop me from leaving. I turn to face him.

"I'm not losing her again," I say in an angry manner. "Please, help me find her." They look at each other, but they eventually agree. "You call your parents Rhydian, let's go outside below the window and sniff around." We run down the stairs and get out to the courtyard while Rhydian calls Gerwyn. I sniff around, I can smell them both.

"Dad, is mum with you? It's Carys, she's disappeared," I take the phone from Rhydian.

"Ingrid's back, she took Carys."

"We're on our way." Gerwyn says and hangs up.

"I'll go and tell Emilia what's happening." Matei says and runs back inside. I decide we're going to need all the help we can get, I get my phone out and call TJ.

"Can you get to Newcastle General Hospital in the next 20 minutes? Get Selina too, we need the whole pack." I hang up before he has a chance to answer. Next I call Tom and Shannon, who are already on their way, but it's a long drive. Matei comes back out to us.

"I'm sorry Jana, I have to stay here with Emilia, she's gotten worse, good luck though," he comes and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you." He goes back inside. "Okay, Maddy, you stay here and wait for everyone, phone me when they're here, Rhydian and I will look around the grounds." She nods, and Rhydian and I start searching.

"They can't have gone far yet, where would she have taken her?" He asks me.

"I don't know, anywhere, most likely the wild, but there's no forest for miles around here. We're in the middle of the city," I say sniffing around.

"I think we should call Segolia, they can help."

"No, they don't know how dangerous Ingrid is, what if she hurts her," I start to cry, "I won't let anything happen to her."

He pulls me in for a hug. "We'll find her," he says as I sob into his t-shirt.

We search the whole perimeter of the hospital, nothing. Not even a scent. By the time we get back to Maddy, Ceri and Gerwyn have arrived.

"What happened? Why was she left alone?" Gerwyn asks.

"I was just getting some water and when I got back the window was open, there was blood on the floor and she was gone." I'm still crying. I hug Ceri.

"She can't have gone far, let's go," she says.

"Mum, we have to be careful, Ingrid's insane, we don't know what kind of mindset she's in."

"We can handle her, there's five of us and only one of her." We set off down the road on foot and into the woods, following a faint scent, but we start to lose it. I come to a sudden stop.

"We're going the wrong way," I say sniffing around.

"Well she wouldn't have stayed in the city, Ingrid hates humans." I turn around and head back towards the city. "Jana!" Rhydian shouts after me.

"Her scent leads this way," I follow not only the scent, but my instincts. I can practically hear Rhydian roll his eyes as he tells everyone to follow me. We start running again, I'm a good 20 metres ahead of everyone else. I need to find her. As I run I dial TJ's number.

"How far are you? We're on James Street."

"We're just around the corner." We hang up on each other. It's not long before TJ and Selina join us. There's no time for introductions so they simply nod to Rhydian and the others.

"It's Carys," I say breathlessly.

"Carys? As in your ex-girlfriend Carys?"

"She's not my ex anymore. She's been taken by this psycho Wolfblood from the old pack, she was exiled for what she did to her before, and now she's doing it again." We whizz through the city until we reach the marina, we sprint to the end of the pier, and that's where the scent stops. They must have got in the water, to wash their scents away. Or maybe Ingrid was trying to drown her. What if she already has? No, I can't think like this, I have to have hope.

"We need a boat," Rhydian says. He spots a paddle boat on the next pier, it only holds two people. Rhydian and I run to it before anyone else gets the chance to stop us. I can pick up a little bit of Carys' scent, because it's so specific to me. Other Wolfbloods know her scent, but not like I do. We paddle and paddle until in the distance as the sun is setting we see another small boat with two people on it. It has to be them. Suddenly my phone rings, it could be her so I stop paddling. But it's Matei, I answer anyway.

"Not now Matei, I think we've found them," I was about to hang up but I hear a little croak come from him.

"It's Emilia."

"Jana, we have to go," Rhydian says.

I shush him, "What happened?"

"She collapsed, started having a seizure. They won't let me into her room. Something's really wrong."

"You have to stay calm, I'll get Carys and we'll be back as soon as we can. She'll be fine Matei, I promise," I hang up, feeling guilty, but Emilia's not the only one in danger right now. Rhydian asks me about the call but I just keep paddling furiously.

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