Chapter 2: Jana

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Jana's POV

"It's so good to see you again Jana, I'm glad to hear you're doing well in the city," Ceri says as I sip the tea she made for me. It's so weird to be back in this house again, we had so much fun here over the summer. I can't believe how much my life has changed since I left, and how much Carys' life has changed too.

Bryn is full of questions, of course, "What do you do at Segolia now that the secret's out?"

"Well, Segolia, for the most part, have gone fully Wolfblood. No humans work there anymore, they all fled after finding out. I'm sort of like a spokesperson for our kind, that's why I'm always doing those TV interviews. I have to let the humans know that we're not a threat."

"Wow, who'd have thought that wild Wolfblood Jana would be the face of Wolfbloods everywhere," Gerwyn says. I had never thought of it that way, me, the face of Wolfbloods. I guess I sort of am. Carys comes into the kitchen with her bags packed.

"I'm going to miss you, Cariad," Ceri gets out of her seat and gives her a hug, we all stand up.

"I'll miss you too, mum, but I'll see you soon," Carys says her goodbyes, as do I, and we head back to the city.

I'm not so against trains anymore, I guess it comes with the territory of being a city wolf. It's only a two-hour journey but it feels like 20 years. We get off at the station which is a 2-minute walk from the Kafe.

"Have you told Katrina and all your friends that I'm coming?" She's nervous, understandably.

"I told Katrina before I left but no, the others don't know, I didn't know if you'd say yes."

"What if they're all in there? I don't want to impose on your new life," her hands fidget around in her hoodie pocket.

"They have school, Katrina's got Kay round to help her today so it'll just be the two of them. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Trust me," I reach my hand out to hers, and after a moment of hesitation, she takes it. We enter the Kafe, it's not very busy, just a few customers. Kay and Katrina are cleaning up the counter. Their eyes are instantly drawn to us.

"Carys!" Katrina comes out from behind the counter and comes over to us. She hugs Carys. The last time she saw any of the K's was in Stoneybridge when we were all still in school.

"Katrina, it's good to see you," she smiles. "And Kay, hi, I thought you'd be at college." Kay also comes over and hugs her.

"Yeah, Kat's always convincing me to ditch for this place," they laugh together. Then the moment becomes awkward.

"Um, so how's Rhydian and everyone?" Katrina asks her.

"Yeah, he's good, he and Maddy work for Segolia."

"So, you and your family are all Bloodwolves too? Sorry, Wolfbloods, I've been reading Jeffries' book," Kay says.

"Yeah, all of us," they start talking about Carys' family, and how weird it is that Rhydian had this whole family he never knew about. Katrina ropes me into helping her in the kitchen.

"Okay, explain," she demands.

"Explain what?" I pretend I don't know what she's talking about.

"Don't give me that, you and Matei have basically been like a couple since you've been here and you've gone and brought your long, lost, lesbian lover to come and stay with us!" Katrina gets crazy when she talks about this kind of thing.

"It's complicated, Katrina. So, maybe there was something between Matei and me, but there will always be something special with Carys. She's my first love."

"Exactly!" I give her a confused look. "That's how it works. Of course, there will always be something there with her, she was your first love. But, you know, you can have a second love."

"I don't know if I want that though, what if I want to be with Carys?"

"It's not about wanting things, it's about love."

"Well, how do I figure out who I love?" When did I start asking Katrina for advice on relationships?

"That's something I can't help you with," she makes a dramatic exit, flicking her hair over her shoulder, then she comes straight back in. "But if you want to know what I would do; I would take both of them out on a date and whoever you want to kiss at the end is the one you love," she leaves again and gets back to work.

Take both of them out on a date? That would be two-timing, and that's not like me. But then again, everyone says that I've changed since coming to the city. Maybe the new Jana would take two people out on a date. I just don't know.

I always thought I didn't like guys in that way, when I met Carys I was certain that I only like girls. But then I was away from her, and Matei was with me all the time.

After we close up the Kafe, I bring Carys upstairs to the flat to show her around. And I realise I forgot to borrow TJ's camp bed for her, and he's gone away for the week so there's nowhere for her to sleep, unless she stayed in my bed, but that might be awkward.

"That's Katrina's room and this is mine," I swing open my door. "It's not much but I like it." She walks around, taking everything in, and she starts tearing up. "Carys?" I walk to her, sitting her down on my bed.

"Sorry, I don't know why I'm crying, I mean," she takes a breath, "This really is your home now isn't it? You're not coming back. I had always sort of hoped you would, but seeing all this, your home, your job, your whole life is here now, except for me."

I'd love to be able to say that we can go back to how we were, I'd love to be able to tell her that I love her and that I want to be with her for the rest of my life, but I can't. I'm just not sure.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be dumping my feelings on you like this," she wipes her tears and laughs uncomfortably.

"No, don't be sorry, it's okay to feel things, you know that. And you, of all people, know that it's better to talk about your feelings, rather than bottle it up."

She looks at me the way she used to. When she was mine and I was hers and it felt like there was no one else in the world. It's so confusing, part of me feels like we were never apart, but I also feel like we don't know each other anymore. And another part of me keeps wondering about Matei.

"You're right, thanks."

I hug her, it takes her by surprise, but she hugs me back. My phone starts ringing, Carys sees Matei's name flash across the screen. "Is it okay if I take this? It's just, he wouldn't be calling during school hours unless something was wrong."

"Sure, go ahead, it's fine. I'll go make us some coffees," she smiles and goes out to the kitchen as I pick up the phone.


"Jana, you need to come quick, Emilia's sick!" His voice is thick with worry.

"Emilia? But she's in the wild, how did she-"

"She kept her phone hidden from the pack, Aran called me. We have to go now, bring Whitewood," he hangs up the phone. I immediately start dialling Dr Whitewood.

I hear Carys call from the kitchen, "Jana, where's the sugar?"

I ignore her and call Whitewood, she picks up after the first ring.

"Jana, is everything alright?" She asks.

"Dr Whitewood, we need to go to the wild pack again, I'm with Carys, we're leaving now," Carys walks in with our tea and stands staring at me, a puzzled look on her face. "Meet us outside Segolia in 5 minutes. I'll explain everything," I hang up.

"What's going on?" Carys asks.

"We're going to the wild."

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