Chapter 2

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“What do you even wear to a party?” I muttered looking through my clothes. Or I should say oversized hoodies and sweatpants because that’s pretty much all I have for clothes. Any articles of clothing that revealed skin was either in the attic or under my bed.

I used to look through them when I first returned home. But after doing this for months, one day I finally got tired and just told myself that the life I used to have was over now. So there was no use in trying to find the girl that I used to be.

After a few minutes of doing this I finally gave up and put on my Saturday night best. A black hoodie that reached the top of my knees and navy blue sweats with matching furry slippers. I let my hair down to cover my face and put on some chapstick.

I didn’t have a mirror so I just assumed I looked good enough. And if I didn’t who cares? It’s not like I was trying to impress anyone and who would really be impressed anyways?

After grabbing a bottle of water from my fridge, I slowly walked to the door. My heart was beating louder with each step I took. When I finally reached the door my heart was going into overdrive. It felt like I was going to pass out.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself but that wasn’t working. Instead I just called out to my wolf for help.

What’s wrong Alice? She asked me searching for any threats or danger.

I don’t think I can do this, I thought there were beads of sweat running down my face.

Yes you can we’ve been in here for six years it’s time to move on from the past.

She silently started to sing ‘We Are the Champions’ by Queen. I laughed at her and nervously tugged at my hair.

I guess you’re right but what if…

What if what?

What if he’s there?

She was shocked and stayed silent for a minute. I could feel her thinking about what I said, I was going to apologize when she finally spoke.

Then we ignore him, you are a strong and beautiful woman Alice, besides what are the chances of him showing up anyways? Her voice was strong and demanding but it lost its power at the end. She sounded kind of nervous?

I shrugged it off and calmed myself by drawing on a crumpled up piece of paper that I found on the ground. I grabbed a pen from my desk and drew the first thing that popped into my head. When I was done I examined my art.

The lines were a little rough but it made it more dramatic and dark. There was a young girl around the age of fifteen of sixteen. She was clutching a knife dripping with blood to her chest. There were tears falling from her eyes and she looked like she was in pure agony.

There was a boy on the ground with multiple holes in his chest, the holes were gushing out blood. He was clawing viciously at the air as if he was fighting an invisible monster. They were in a bare bedroom. The walls seemed to lean in on them, it looked like they were trying to trap them both in the lonely room for eternity.

I stared at the disturbing picture for a few minutes before I finally put it down and walked to the door. I was taking deep breaths to prevent another panic attack. This time when I reached the door I was a little bit calmer.

I slowly touched the metal doorknob and gently wrapped my fingers around it. The feeling of touching a doorknob was foreign to me after years of never opening a door. Slowly I opened the door so I could peek out into the hallway.

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