Chapter 8: I hate you

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After the boob incident (Y/n) has been avoiding the four or to be more exact She has been avoiding Wakasa for three weeks.

"You said you apologized right?" Akashi asked then Wakasa nodded as he slid his other hand inside his pocket then his other hand ran through his hair.

"Forget about her tsk!" He said with irritation in his tone.

He wouldn't admit it but the truth was, he's been looking all over for her for the past three weeks. He grew more and more impatient as the week passed by.

While they were walking in the streets he heard a familiar voice. "Goten~" The woman called as she looked around.

"Where are you Goten?" She asked no one as she looked around.

Wakasa stare at her about to walk towards her but then a cat in front of him caught his eye.


"Goten!!" She yell catching some attention.

"Are you looking for him?" Wakasa asked with the cat in his arms. (Y/n)'s eyes shined as soon as she saw the cat but then it soon disappeared when her eyes locked with Waka's lilac ones.

For a quick second the girl began to run. Wakasa shove the cat in Shinichiro's hand then the three of them started to chase her.

"I'll go here then you go there. Benkei you look for her over there" Wakasa commanded as they began to search for her leaving Shinichiro and the cat.

"I guess we'll wait for them" Shinichiro sighed as he looked down the cat. "Meow"

Meanwhile, (Y/n) who was now chased by Wakasa, leaped from box to box as she turned a sharp left.

"Damnit! I didn't know they'd be here" She said cursing under her breath as she turned to right, Until she completely lost Wakasa.

She panted for a while then she let out a sigh as leaned on the wall taking a peek on the other side to check if Waka was still there.

She let out another sigh "Good, now I lost him" she turned her body but then she was cornered by Waka whose hand was slammed on the wall beside her.

"Waka" She gasped as she leaned back the wall. Waka looked at her with annoyance.


I took a sharp deep breath as I leaned on the wall. Waka's face was close to mine.

"You've missed 5 gang meetings and you've been avoiding us for the past three weeks. You said you already forgave me yet you kept on avoiding us" He said raising his tone.

I quickly looked away feeling my cheeks burning as soon as his breath hit my face.

"I had my reasons-"

"What that you were sick?" He asked with sarcasm and anger mixed in his tone, I quickly turned to look at him but then soon realized that our faces were close enough. Anger was written on his face as he glared at me.

"That you're not feeling well? That-" before he could continue I cut him off

"So what?! You wanna know? Then fine! I can't stand seeing you! Everytime I see you I could feel my heart pounding inside my chest which it shouldn't be reacting that way and every time I hear your voice, Heat would rise up my cheeks and I don't know what to react when I'm with you! I don't know anymore! I should hate you! I should Mmph!" I gasped as soon as I felt a pair of lips crashed into mine.

"Mmph" I put my hand on his chest about to push him but he wrapped his hand on mine as he leaned close pushing me more to the wall as he pressed his lips on mine even more.

Heat rose up my cheeks even more and I was starting to grow dizzy, I could feel my vision turning.

Wakasa removed his lips from mine, his hand still on mine, He looked at me with a smirk. "You done yet?"

I lifted a finger up my lips, feeling the tingling sensation on my lips. My heart started to pound rapidly and my head grew dizzy, my face must be beet red.

"Was that you confessing?" He smirked, I glared at him about to slap him when he stopped my hand mid-air.

"Shut up!" I yell as I turn my gaze away. "I hate you" I mumbled as I averted my gaze.

"I hate you too" He replied as he pulled my hand.

"Hey-! Let go of me-" He stopped in his tracks as he turned to me.

"Hey (Y/n), want to go out with me?" He asked, his eyes were averted to the side.

"Was that you asking me out?" I teased, He turned his gaze to me as he replied. "Yes"

Ba-bump.. Ba-bump.. Ba-bump

I looked away, my breath caught in my throat. "Sure why not" I replied.


Meanwhile, the three was sitting on the bench silently waiting for Wakasa. As soon as they heard a familiar voice they turned and saw (Y/n) and Wakasa holding hands, looking away from each other with a red tint in their cheeks.

'WHAT THE-' They gasped at what they saw.

"Wakasa and (Y/n) holding hands?" Shinichiro gasped

"They're obviously blushing!" Akashi gasped

"What's that?!!" Benkei gasped


"Should I walk you home?" Wakasa asked, not glancing at the latter as she replied. "I don't know"

"Did we miss something?" The two of them saw the three making them break out from each others hand. (Y/n) stomped towards Shinichiro as she snatched the cat off his arms.

"Shuddap pompadour!" She scowled as she looked away.

"Thanks for taking care of Goten now if you excuse us" She coldly said as she turned her back to walk away.

As soon as she disappeared the three turned to Wakasa. "Does squeezing someone's boobs gives you a girlfriend?" Shinichiro asked immediately.

"No it doesn't!" Wakasa retorted.


"Just shut up!" He quickly looked away, then his scowl turned into a smile.

'He's literally smiling!' They gasped.


I turned to the side, rolling my body as I touched my lips. I couldn't forget his lips on mine. Everytime I remember, heat rises up my head.

"Ahh!!!" I yell as I sat up. The door to my room flung open revealing grandpa who was panting.

"Are you okay?!" He asked, I bobbed my head quickly then he let out a sigh after closing the door.

"We should send her straight to the mental..." I could hear Grandpa's loud voice outside my room.

I didn't mind them as I lied down again, burying my face on the sheet.

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