Chapter 5: Shop

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"I'm sure that idiot got lost on her way here" Wakasa shrugged as he turned to Shinichiro who just smiled after replying "She went here too early actually"

What he said made the three look at him with surprise.

"Really?" Benkei asked then Shinichiro nodded as he turned his body. "Let's go" The three followed behind him as they walked towards the dojo.

When they were on their way towards the dojo they heard a loud and familiar voice coming fr the dojo as they stopped and stare at that direction where three kids, Mikey, Baji, and Emma were trying to yell something.

"KA ME HA ME HAAA!" They yell altogether as they pushed their hands forth as if there was something about to come out.

"Again! Even I mastered that technique when I was seven!" (Y/n) yell with authority in her voice as she looked at them sternly.

"KA ME HA ME HAAA!" They yell once again pushing their hand.

"Master! I feel like somethings about to come out down here!" Baji reported with a big smile on his face.

"That's just your shit about to burst out of your ass" She paused as she looked the two blonde kid who were still at it.

"Who told you to stop keep going!" She commanded as Baji saluted then he performed once again.

At the distance where the four could see what was going on deadpanned. "What's that idiot doing?" Wakasa walked towards the dojo qhere the girl was yelling so hard.

"Keep goin-" Before she could finish, she was whacked right in the head by Wakasa


She groaned as she put her hand up her head then she glared at Wakasa who was looking at the three kids.

"Master! Are you okay?!" Three asked then Baji glared at Wakasa with his fist clench. "How dare you! I'll make you pay!" He yell as he prepared his self, putting his two hands to his side as he opened his mouth "KA ME HA ME HAAA!" He yell as he pushed his hand forth.

"Master something's about to come out!" He proudly said.

"Baji you can go to the bathroom now" She groaned as the latter ran to find a bathroom.

"My head hurts! You idiot!" (Y/n) glared at the man about to whack his head when he quickly dodged.

"Come here!" She yell as chased Wakasa who dodged all her fist. The five didn't mind them as Shinichiro went to Emma who turned to him.

"Emma-chan, what were you doing here?" He asked.

"Master (Y/n) was teaching us how to do the Kamehameha!" Mikey answered.

"You must be tired Emma-chan you should go and rest" Shinichiro said

"Yeah!" Mikey replied as he ran away with Emma following behind him.

They turned their attention to the two who were already on each other's neck, choking each other with (Y/n) on top of Wakasa.

"I'm gonna kill you to death!" She yell while Wakasa just grit his teeth.

"Those two are hopeless" Akashi sighed as he turned his heels to walk away from them.


We walked down the streets as I looked around, then back at my chest.

"What's with you looking around then back at your chest?" Wakasa asked with a raised brow. I glared at him before replying "It's none of your business!"

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