Chapter 5

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(Picture is not mine.)

Zuko walked down an abandoned, wide path in the darkness. His eyes flickered around him, making sure no one was in sight. He then heard a gate open and turned around to be met with a man full of metal armor.

"You're sure you weren't followed?" Zuko asked the man who nodded. "I've heard about you. They say you're good at what you do and even better at keeping secrets. The Avatar's alive, I want you to find him and end him." Zuko's eyes narrowed at the three-eyed, metal man. He nodded and turned to walk away before Zuko stopped him once again.

"There is one person that I want to be excluded." Zuko pulled out a poster of Kota herself. It looked alike to the wanted poster back in that Earth Kingdom village when they were fugitives. "I don't want her to be harmed in any way whatsoever." The man took the poster from Zuko and stuffed it in his jacket while Zuko and the man both formed an agreement.


The gang was now headed someplace else since Aang was busted the night before for going against the rules at the Fire Nation school. They rushed outside and alerted Kota while she was walking by the shore outside and they all successfully escaped. Now, they were headed somewhere else to set up camp.

Aang was splashing around in the water while the rest were relaxing on Appa. Kota was sitting in front of Katara who was braiding her hair which continued to grow longer. Kota was thankful, for she loved her long hair, especially if it was what she was known for.

Aang emerges from the water and back onto Appa. "Guys, I think this river's polluted." The four looked to see Aang dripping with dirty water. He then airbended and made the dirty water fly to them.

"Aang!" Kota shouted while the others groaned in annoyance. Aang then airbended them as well, taking the muddy water off.

"Well that explains why I can't catch a fish around here." Sokka said from behind them. "Because normally my fishing skills the hook. Get it? Like a fishing hook?" He held up his dirty fishing hook with a playful smile.

"Too bad you're skills aren't on the hook." Everyone laughed at Toph's insult to Sokka, who began pouting. Kota walked up to her brother and patted his back showing comfort.

"It looks like we'll need to go somewhere else to get food." Katara suggested until the gang looked at the schedule Sokka took out. "Assuming that'll fit into Sokka's master schedule."

Sokka looked thoughtfully at his schedule, planning. "'s doable. But that means only two potty breaks today."

"Um...yeah, how about no." Kota said next to him. "Whenever nature calls, nature calls." Sokka threw Kota an annoyed look to which she shrugged at.

"Hey, maybe we can get food there." Aang pointed ahead at a tiny village. The group all agreed and headed over to the village themselves.


The five had gotten on a boat ride and now we're gazing around the whole village. Sorrow painted their expressions when they saw how poorly these villagers looked. They're navigator, named Dock, had informed them of a factory that was polluting their water which had made their environment they way it is now.

"We have to do something to help." Katara said as she continued to look around.

"We'll figure something out." Kota agreed until Sokka spoke up.

"No, we can't waste our time here." The two looked to their brother with narrowed eyes. "We have a bigger mission that we need to stay focused on. These people are on their own."

"Sokka, they need help." Kota tugged on his arm with pleading eyes. "We can't just leave them here to suffer."

Katara grabbed onto Sokka's shoulder with anger. "These people are starving, but you turn your back on them? How can you be so cold and heartless?"

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