Chapter 1

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(Third Person's POV)

After a whole, full two weeks, the crew had taken action into their own hands. They sabotaged and had overthrown a Fire Navy ship, finally letting themselves be in disguise, for Kota and Aang's recovery. The two had been in a coma for the past few weeks which everyone didn't seem to understand. Sokka would mostly check up on Kota, due to him feeling that her state was his responsibility. He blamed himself for letting her go alone that day. He thought that maybe if he had stopped her from going to Zuko, she wouldn't be here right now, asleep. He aided her day and night, not being able to leave her side.

"Hey." He turned to look to the door and found Katara in the doorway. "How is she?"

Sokka sighed and turned back to Kota. "She's still unconscious, but luckily she's still breathing which is...a good sign I guess."

Katara walked up to her brother, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You look like you need some sleep, you should go and rest."

Sokka shook his head immediately. "No, I'm fine here."

"Sokka please, dad will watch over her for now. What you need to do is go and rest." She pleaded before observing Kota as well. "I'm worried for her too, but I know she's going to be okay. She's strong and she will pull through this. Trust me."

Sokka didn't take his eyes off the floor as he was in deep thought. "What do you think happened to her?" Katara looked to him confused. "I mean when she came out of the cave, glowing. Is she something else that's powerful? Like Aang?"

Katara took a deep breath and stared at her sister. "I don't know. We'll eventually find out when she wakes up." Katara looked back at Sokka and sent him a small smile. "Come on, let's go. You have a schedule full of sleep." Katara helped Sokka up from his chair and walked him out of the room.



Kota had woken up, walking and wondering around the spirit world. In hopes of someone helping her, she was stuck apparently. Kota called and called for someone to come and help her but there still seemed to be no sign. She was lost once again, trying to find her way. After a while she gave up and sat down on the floor for a short period of time.

"Maybe if I mediate, I could contact someone." Kota whispered and sat crisscrossed with her hands folded in her lap.

She stayed like this for a moment, not wanting to give up, knowing that she wasn't trying hard enough. Seconds, minutes, and hours passed and still not a single sign was shown. As soon as Kota was ready to give up, she opened her eyes, and a grin began to spread across her face.

"Avatar Roku." Kota greeted and bowed before him.

"Hello Nakota. Nice to see you again." Roku smiled down at her.

"I need your help." Kota rushed out. "I've been trapped in here for who knows how long and I'm trying to find a way out but I can't."

Avatar Roku sighed heavily. "Are you sure?" His question took Kota back by surprise. "It feels as if you don't want to find a way out of here. Like you're not trying hard enough."

Kota's mood instantly turned sour. "What do you mean? I contacted you didn't I?!"

"Of course you did. But the only reason why you contacted me was for me to advise you  on whether or not you should go back to the real world." Kota stayed silent and looked to the ground. "Do I stand corrected?"

Kota sighed and slumped to the ground. "I don't know."  She put her face in her hands. "I do have some questions for you though."

Avatar Roku nodded for her to continue. "What am I? When I escaped from Azula, the Dai Li and..." she hesitated before stating his name. "...Zuko. I wasn't in my own body. It was like I was looking out through my eyes but someone else was controlling me."

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