Chapter 3

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When Aang had awoken once again, and when Katara had finished taking care of him, everyone sat down on the deck to answer his questions. Kota and Katara sat down on the floor with Aang while the others stood.

"Why are we on a Fire Navy ship? Why is everyone dressed this way? And why am I the only one who's completely out of it?" Aang questioned as he looked around.

"Ok, that's too many questions for us to answer all at once." Kota spoke first. "How about one at a time."

"You need to take it easy, okay?" Katara spoke to Aang, agreeing. "You got hurt pretty bad."

"Woah, nice hair. I didn't even notice it until now." Kota smirked watching as Aang started to freak out.

"I have hair?" He exclaimed and began to rub at his head. "How long was I out?"

"A few weeks." Katara then looked to Kota. "Along with Kota." Kota nodded as Aang's attention averted to her as well.

"What? But how?" Kota looked to Aang's state of puzzlement.

"Well, it's a long story, but I guess we have the time for it." Kota said and then explained everything she had told before.


When Kota finished her story, Aang's expression screamed astonishment. "Wow, who knew you knew Avatar Roku? That's amazing." Aang beamed at the her but became confused again. "So, you and I are connected when I'm in the Avatar state?"

Kota groaned, becoming frustrated. "Yes! Why must everyone ask that even though I simply explained it to them?!"

Aang smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

Hakoda then walked up to the three, a gentle smile placed on his face. "Everything okay?"

"Were fine dad." Katara's mood turned into irritation in an instant.

"Yeah, we're just catching up Aang on what's happened." Kota smiled up at her dad before giving Katara a look.

"I'm Hakoda, Katara, Sokka, and Kota's father." Hakoda put his hand out for Aang.

"He knows who you are." Katara snapped, sharply. "I just called you "dad", didn't I?"

"Katara." Kota gritted her teeth staring daggers at her sister.

Hakoda looked down at his youngest daughter with an upset expression. "I guess you're right."

"Nice to officially meet you, Chief Hakoda." Aang grinned and shook his hand.

"It's an honor to meet you."

"Great, Great. Now that you guys have finally met, would you mind giving us a little privacy?" Katara's tone still harsh.

Kota looked to her sister, clenching her jaw. She was a person who respected her elders, and she definitely did not like how Katara was rudely treating their father. Hakoda had walked away with a hurt expression which angered the the older Waterbender even more.

Kota stood up on her feet, brushing off any dirt or dust. "Well, as pleasant as this has been." The sarcasm in her voice caught Katara's attention. "I think I should find better company." She turned away before Katara could get another word out.


Morning came and the crew had all met up on the deck. Sokka finished his side of the story to Aang as to why everyone was on the ship in the first place. As he was informing, Kota started to daze out, knowing what else Sokka was going to say next.

"Since then, we've been traveling west. We crossed the Serpent's Pass a few days ago. We've seen a few Fire Nation Ships, but none have bothered us." Sokka finally ended his discussion which made Kota snap out of her daze.

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