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"Can't I not get a second chance in love?" -scribble writer

"Jimin we'll be late. Come soon" Namjoon called from downstairs. Jimin was getting ready. He wore black blazer and crisp white shirt. He was not answering any of Jungkook's questions or messages from the morning. He is just not ready to break his heart for the second time.

"I think something is off with Jimin." Jin said to Namjoon. Jin wore purple jacket and white shirt matching with Taehyung.

"I also felt that. He is just working and working. After I came back from Ilsan, he didn't even ask about my paper reading. He used to be so excited." Namjoon said in a worried tone.

"I think it is related with Jungkook" Hoseok said. He is wearing grey vest coat, black shirt and grey trousers.

"What's the matter?" Namjoon asked.

"Maybe they like each other. But Jimin is denning it or something like that. He needs to forget his past. He just remains stuck there like that. He was a bastard" Hoseok said.

"Yeah. I have seen that. But Jimin needs to move on. He can' just be like that. We have to help him" Namjoon said.

"Jungkook is planning something. He already talked to me the day before yesterday. I already discussed it with Joonie. You were not there." Jin said to Hoseok. Namjoon spend another 10 minutes explaining to Hoseok about Jungkook's plan.

"What? Chincha?" Hoseok screamed.

"Calm down Hobi. Stop screaming. Jimin will get to know" Namjoon said holding an excited Hoseok.

"What? Why are you guys so excited?" Jimin asked while descending the stairs. Jin got alert. Namjoon is still holding Hoseok.

"Let's go. We are late already" Namjoon said and dragged Hoseok along with him. After 45 minutes the reached their destination. Taehyung and Yoongi welcomed them from the entrance. The office was filled with guests. Kang Dan-I and her parents were also there.

"Welcome guys. We were waiting for you" Yoongi said and hugged Hoseok and Namjoon. Taehyung held Jin's hand secretly.

"We are so happy that you could make it Namjoon. How was your paper reading?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah it went well. I think today's mission is more important" Namjoon said winking at Yoongi and Taehyung and the group.

"Yeah I am also excited about it" Jin said and held Taehyung's hands more tightly.

"Where is Kookie?" Hoseok asked attracting Jimin's attention.

"He is inside with Noona and Ha-ri. Come let's go inside" taehyung said. Jimin sighed and went inside. As soon as he went inside, Jungkook welcomed him.

"Oh my god! You guys are late" Jungkook said. "Hobi hyung you are the chief guest. You can't be late" He continued.

"Sorry but now we are here. Let's begin the show" Hoseok said. They all went inside with Yoongi, Taehyung and Ha-ri.

"Hey Mochi. We are matching. But you look pale. What happened? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked placing a hand on Jimin's cheeks.

"I am fine. You go and enjoy" Jimin said.

"Not without you" Jungkook said and dragged Jimin.

"I hope you remember our today's plan?" Taehyung said in his deep voice in Jin's ear. His ears turned red. Jin felt a rush of adrenalin. Namjoon was standing beside Jin.

"What happened Jin? Your ears are red" Namjoon said.

"Nothing just the AC is cold" Jin said. Namjoon nodded and once again started talking to Mr. Kim since he is also a professor by profession.

"Yeah I remember. Your house tour, right?" Jin winked at Taehyung. He just smiled at Jin. Soon they all gathered for the highlight of the evening. That is their speech and the success party. Taehyung, Hoseok , Jungkook and Yoongi went up to the stage. All the other employees stood in the front.

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. We are here to celebrate the success of our first game launch in Seoul. It is also trending No. 2. I would like to thankyou all the team members who work day and night and made this possible. But I would like to thank more Yoongi hyung and Kookie for helping me in this." Taehyung said with a big smile. Jungkook then took over after Yoongi pushed him.

"Yeah Tae hyung is right. I had no dream before I met Yoongi hyung and Tae hyung.i would also like to thank Hoseok hyung for giving me tips on writing. I also want to thank one special person who came into my life and changed my perception about love and made me realized that love can be so beautiful" Jungkook said. Jimin felt bad.

"He is really in love with Ha-ri. But why am I sad? Didn't I know I don't deserve love?" Jimin said to himself. The party continued on its pace.

"You guys are quite famous. I am really looking forward to my wedding planned by you all" One of Taehyung's employee sad.

"Although I am not that rich. But I hope you guys plan small weddings too" She said.

"We do. Its not about small or big wedding. It's about the work isn't it Chim?" Jin asked Jimin.

"Off course. You have our number. Just call us. We'll be there" Jimin said. Suddenly his phone started ringing. He excused himself and went to take the call. He was trying to take the call when he saw Ha-ri kissing someone in the garden. The guy was facing his back to Jimin. The guy looked exactly like Jungkook. That intensified Jimin's pain. He immediately turned around and left. He didn't return to the party. He left leaving message in their personal window.

"Guys I am leaving. I am not feeling well. I will take some rest don't worry about me"..............


Hey guys! I am back with another update. I hope you guys are doing well. I hope you liked this chapter. I think Jimin is being a fool right now. But let's see what happens. I hope you guys are enjoying your Halloween. I will see you in my next update. Till then.


SECOND CHANCETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang