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"Your presence in my life rekindled all the good moments"- scribble writer

Taehyung and Jin were standing in the balcony. The atmosphere was quiet but not awkward.

"So, you okay now? Is the problem resolved?" Taehyung asked.Yeah. It is half resolved. But it will be resolved soon." Jin wanted to ask a lot of questions to Taehyung. But something was stopping him."Can I ask you something?" Jin asked finally."Sure, go ahead" Taehyung said. he was nervous. He could feel Jin's hesitation. So, he asked him to relax."Did you really meant it when you said that you like me?" Jin asked"Yes, I was serious. I am serious actually. I really like you. I don't know what is your past. But I could see the cute little angel withing you. You are just trying to hide that. I am in love with that side of yours." Taehyung said. Jin felt tears in his eyes. He never believed that someone would call him angel."Throughout my life I thought that I am a huge burden on others. Whenever I wanted to love someone that person left me. There were times when I got rejected in love. Many things happened. I realised that my old self is too weak to take all up this shit. So, I changed myself in order to protect myself." Jin said."Its all in the past Jin. I am sure your past self is proud of you. It is smiling at you for what you have become." Taehyung said."Nan neoleul joh-ahae (I like you)" Jin said."Nado saranghaeo( I love you too)" Taehyung said. Jin was shocked because he only said that he likes Taehyung. But Taehyung didn't waste any time and straightaway confessed his feelings to Jin. "Mochi why don't we catch for a coffee?" Jungkook asked."Why not? But you like banana milk. So we can also have that" Jimin said. Jimin really likes Jungkook's company. He is funny and adorable. He is not realising his true feelings."Oppa, Neo yeogiseohagoissd- eo? "Brother, what are you doing here?)" a girl asked to Jungkook. Jimin looked at here=. She is in her early 20s. very pretty and young."Jennie What? Oh my god" Jungkook said and hugged her tightly."Long time no see. After you guys left USA. I became so alone. I came to visit samchon. Luckily, I met you also" Jimin was staring at the girl."Who is she? Why is she touching Jungkook like that" Jimin said to himself? He was feeling extremely jealous. But he doesn't know why."Mochi can you please go on your own? I won't be able to drop you?" Jungkook asked."Sure go ahead with your guest" Jimin mocked Jungkook. But Jungkook just left without staying for any further second."So you think this story line will work?" Hoseok said."I think it will. Its unique and catching. You did well " Yoongi said."I am dead tired" Hoseok said. They are working for 6 hours now. Yoongi didn't let this opportunity go in vain."Can we catch for a coffee" Yoongi said. Hoseok really wanted a cup of coffee."Sure" Hoseok said. They went to the nearby Starbucks."Once iced americano" Yoongi ordered."One cold coffee topped with cream" Hoseok said."Wow so much sugar. You really sweet. Don't you?" Yoongi asked."Yeah I love sweets. Jinnie bakes amazing cookies for me" Hosoek said."Woah! Mr. Kim can cook?" Yoongi asked."Yes he can. He bakes amazing cakes on all of our birthdays" Hoseok said."What's your hidden talent? May be suddenly one day I will discover something about you. Then I will be very disheartened." Yoongi said jokingly. Hoseok suddenly felt bad. Nobody except his friends know that he is the world-famous BL writer 'Sunshine'."Hey I was just kidding. I know =your hidden talent. Its how to make people smile" Yoongi said and l=started laughing."You have a wonderful smile. You should smile often" Hoseok said."I will if you are around" Yoongi said. Hoseok also smiled."He didn't even text me?" Jimin said after checking his phone for the 19th time."Someone is restless today. Checking his phone for the 100th time now." Namjoon said while reading his book."Hmm I saw that too. But can you please tell the reason Joonie." Hoseok said while working on his 15th BL Story."Guys come on. I am expecting someone's call" Jimin said."Ok! Who is that 'someone'?' Namjoon asked."umm someone related to work" Jimin said."We got it Chim. You are really hard working" Hoseok said and started laughing."Where is Jin btw?" Jimin asked."Just like you. He is also in a business meeting" Hoseok said and hi-fied with Namjoon.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Hey guys welcome back. I hope you guys are doing great. I am too. Well this was just a filler chapter nothing much. But next chapter will be about JIKOOK's love story and then we will proceed to some serious things a head. I hope you are liking the story. Thankyou so much for 500 reads. I will see you all in my next update till then,I PURPLE YOU! STAY GOLD!

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